MI5 linked to legacy police agency
MI5 linked to legacy police agency


A member of the Legacy Investigations Branch (LIB) of the PSNI police in the north of Ireland has been accused of being a covert member of British military intelligence.

In a statement, Saoradh said Neil McGuinness (pictured), a member of the unit which take over from the Historical Enquiries team in recent years, had attempted to recruit one of their members as an informer.

In 2014, Belfast Republican Dominic Corr and a friend were making their way home to Belfast from Glasgow. As they made their way through the airport, Dominic was accosted by two individuals who identified themselves as British ‘Security Services’, and led him to a screening room.

Once in the room, they made it known that they were aware of his political outlook and his fundraising activities for the IRPWA while in Scotland and stated that this wasn’t a “bad thing”.

“They were quite clearly intent on recruiting him, yet refused to say who they really represented,” Saoradh said. “Dominic, being a long standing republican, refused to engage and once it was clarified that he wasn’t under arrest, demanded to be released from the locked room and left. On return to Ireland, Dominic made the incident public by logging the incident with his legal team,” adding: “One of the agents from British intelligence that failed to recruit Dominic Corr was Neil McGuinness.”

McGuinness is a prominent figure within the LIB, recently appearing in the media in relation to the exhumation of British Army murder victim Daniel Rooney. Although a unit of the PSNI, the LIB presents itself as independent arbitrator for those seeking justice and closure regarding state killings of their family members.

McGuinness’s alleged identification as an MI5 agent has been seen as vindication of the belief that, rather than seeking to resolve past killings, British forces continue to be engaged in a systematic cover-up of their war crimes in Ireland

“Saoradh hereby call upon McGuinness to publicly confirm the various roles he has played within the British Crown Forces - including any overt or covert role within British intelligence,” they said.

Saoradh have initiated a Freedom of Information request in relation to this issue

“The Crown Forces, namely the PSNI, MI5, and the British Army, are still engaged in a campaign of counter insurgency in the north of Ireland, it is therefore imperative for these forces that this current campaign is not undermined by the revelation of their murderous past; hence this exercise in white wash and micro management of the so called legacy issues.”

They also backed calls for an Independent Investigatory Team, with full access to British Government classified policy documents and evidence: “Britain perpetuates the conflict in Ireland and any investigation initiated or conducted by them will serve only Britain’s interests rather than those of victims, families and communities affected by their overt slaughter and continued covert activities in Ireland.”

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