The brother of Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams is to appeal against his extradition to the North following a High Court decision that he should stand trial in Belfast on allegations that he sexually abused his daughter.
Liam Adams is wanted by the PSNI in relation to 18 alleged offences against Aine Tyrell, who has waived her right to anonymity.
His barrister Michael O’Higgins told Mr Justice John Edwards yesterday [Thursday] his client would be seeking leave to appeal against the ruling to the Supreme Court, based on five points of law.
Mr Adams was granted continuing bail. He was supported in court this week by another daughter, Claire Smith.
The abuse claims became public in December 2009 when Ms Tyrell was featured in a television documentary.
Arguments that the accused could not get a fair trial because of pre-trial publicity and comments by his brother, Gerry, in support of Ms Tyrell, a delay in bringing charges and changes in the jury selection in the North were rejected on Monday.
When the accusations became public in 2009, Gerry Adams said that he tried to help his niece, and that he twice moved to have his brother stopped from working with children in west Belfast. He made no further comment on the case this week.
Ms Tyrell, who had travelled from Belfast for Monday’s hearing, said she felt positive as she left the Criminal Courts of Justice in Dublin flanked by family members. “I’m feeling a bit more positive and I’m ready to take what comes,” she said. “It’s only wee baby steps.”