Free Conor Casey
Free Conor Casey

(from Sovereign Nation)

The recent internment of Conor Casey at the behest of the British establishment is nothing short of a disgrace.

The silence which greeted Conor’s incarceration from those who would have previously shouted “Political Policing” from the rooftops has been no less than we have come to expect from Constitutional Nationalists whose princi- ples have withered as their power trip has grown.

The wider Republican community were in shock when they learnt of the death of lifelong Republican and for- mer POW John Brady whose death occurred in extremely dubious circumstances whilst in the custody of the RUC. No one more so than Conor Casey who counted John amongst his great friends.

The determination of Conor to try and grant John the traditional send off given to Republican volunteers by the simple act of placing the National flag on his friends coffin was to prove too much for the British establishment who decided to enforce their own traditional punishment meted out to Irishmen....Internment.

Nowadays, though, Internment by remand does not merit the same outcry from the constitutionalists as it once did when they were on the receiving end.

We hear the bullish statements.. “It’s not like it was in our day. This is different now.” A sentiment which is true to an extent. But only because these days, when Irishmen are interned, it is met with a wall of silence. The politicians in con- junction with a Pravda style media do their utmost to ensure that the general public are protected from the knowledge that internment is alive and growing in the occupied 6 counties.

Now when they are interned there is a denial of both civil and humanitarian rights by those who for genera- tions demanded it.

Following the long overdue release of Republican POW Terry McCafferty, both the British Government and their puppet government in Stormont decided that the time was right to once again revert to form and crack the whip on Republicans as a sop to Unionists who required a sacrificial lamb.

The framing and internment of Colin Duffy showed that the system leaves the British Government feeling they can act with impunity in bypassing Human rights laws without recourse, condemnation or recrimination.

The salute which honoured Oglach John Brady left the authorities in a quandary. They could not prove the identi- ties of those who performed the salute, but had to have their pound of flesh so (as they did with the Guildford 4 and Birmingham 6) they removed and incarcerated a completely innocent man.

Innocent Irishmen are being allowed to fill the gaols once again. The normalisation that the politicians wish to por- tray to a baying public is being bought with the incarceration of Republicans, the silence of the media and the token power and financial enhancements granted to former Republicans to guarantee their inactivity on injustice.

Irish Republican Internees such as Conor are suffering ritual humiliation, strip searches, brutality, contaminated food, and being locked down 23 hours per day in their cells that are flooded with human waste. They must also endure racist and sectarian comments from members of the prison regime.

It appears the sight of the National Flag is still too much to bear for some. Conor Casey is another victim of the intolerance and partiality of the British state and their cohorts.

We all have to actively oppose the ongoing internment and illegal detention of Irishmen and women. Remember the adage: “There, but for the grace of God, Go I”

End Internment! Free Conor Casey!

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