Prominent dissident arrested
Prominent dissident arrested

The PSNI have been accused of harassing the leadership of the Republican Network for Unity group and provocatively arresting senior dissident republican Tony Catney.

The incident took place as an RNU Ard Comhairle (leadership) delegation, was returning from a series of meetings in Glasgow and involved up to twenty uniformed and plain clothed PSNI members.

Danny McBrearty, National Chairperson, Republican Network for Unity said that as one member of the delegation was being questioned, a plain clothed PSNI man told him that he was “well aware of the make up of the individual’s family and of the details and names of his children.

“The same plain clothed RUC/PSNI man then inquired if he had any information on those he was travelling with and/or of the RNU in general.

As another member of the RNU delegation tried speaking with Mr Catney in Irish about what was happening, the group of PSNI surrounding them “began laughing and making idiotic noises concerning the Irish language,” he said,

Openly handcuffed, Mr Catney was lead through the main Airport terminal by four uniformed armed and two plain clothes PSNI men.

“This arrest is but the latest in a catalogue of measures directed in recent months against the supporters and membership of the Republican Network for Unity.

“This has ranged from being the targets of continual stop and searches, raids upon our members and supporters homes, through press briefings which have been aimed at smearing individuals, T.C. being one of them.

“The Republican Network for Unity resolves to continue to articulate and maintain resolute principled republican political opposition against the charade which is known as the ‘Good Friday Agreement’.”

Mr Catney was later released without charge.

* On Saturday, a large picket was organised by the Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Associated and supported by the 32 County Sovereignty Committee, Republican Network for Unity and independent republicans gathered at the the Lithuanian embassy in Ballsbridge. The picket was held to protest at the continuing ‘internment’ of Michael Campbell in Lithuania, where the Louth man has been held in a ‘hellhole’ prison for almost two years.

* A protest was later held by a number of republican groups outside the GPO to highlight the case of Colin Duffy, currently being held at Maghaberry prison and said to be facing a potential miscarriage of justice.

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