Firework attack across peace-line
Firework attack across peace-line

A man was struck in the chest by a firework thrown over a ‘peace wall’ that runs across Manor Street, near their north Belfast home.

Patrick McCloskey had a lucky escape when his home became the target of a sectarian attack.

“We were just sitting here watching TV when a firework bounced off the window,” said his partner, Karen Friel.

A second firework bounced off the window and hit Mr McCloskey on the chest, burning a hole in his clothes.

“I saw the flash and the smoke and Paddy was knelt down holding his chest.

“I contacted police but they did not respond.”

Ms Friel said her partner was in “bad shock” following the attack.

“He went to hospital with chest pains,” she said. “If he had not turned around, he would have no face left.”

Ms Friel said she was grateful everyone was safe.

“I have been living here for one year. Nothing like this happened last year,” she said.

“The kids were in a terrible state. They were awake all night thinking there was going to be petrol bombs.

“Paddy could have been killed stone dead. The fireworks could have come through the window and set fire to the house.”

Five fireworks in total were thrown at the property, Ms Friel said. One landed on the roof, another in the back garden and three hit the front of the house.

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