[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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BBC imbalance shifting unionist agenda to the right

nolan.jpg Evidence shows that a disproportionate airing of an outlandish minority line, legitimising it, has shifted the agenda within unionism to the right.

Published March 3, 2022

A party split by a deal with the British

sfaf1922.jpg A history of a landmark Sinn Féin Ard Fheis 100 years ago this week which still has echoes today, by Des Dalton.

Published February 24, 2022

Fear of the Shinners gives establishment the jitters

cblivesf.jpg The third week in February was national Bash The Shinners Week, according to Pat Flanagan.

Published February 24, 2022

The Weaver Street bombing and not dealing with the past

weaverstreet.jpg One of the most shocking incidents following the signing of the Treaty took place 100 years ago this week, when Catholic children playing in a Belfast street were bombed.

Published February 17, 2022

The DUP is trapped in a delusion

donaldsoncameras.jpg Since Stormont was set up in 1999, it has been shut for 37pc of the time. It should be a time-share.

Published February 17, 2022

Drew Harris and Special Branch collusion

harrisconfirmed.jpg I’m waiting for a journalist – maybe RTÉ – to approach Garda Commissioner Drew Harris and ask him what he knows of these murderous activities involving Special Branch.

Published February 10, 2022

Shankill visit illustrates partisan British behaviour

shankillmeeting.jpg British Direct Ruler Brandon Lewis, British foreign secretary Liz Truss and Orange Order grand secretary Mervyn Gibson met on the loyalist Shankill Road in Belfast last Thursday. Commentator Brian Feeney on what he describes as a deliberately provocative gesture.

Published February 3, 2022

Jack Clafferty

jackclafferty.jpg An obituary written by Aisling Claffery for her father, a draughtsman who produced memorable images connected with the conflict in the north of Ireland.

Published January 13, 2022

The Treaty debate

mansionhousedebate.jpg A historical account of the parliamentary debate on the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921, 100 years ago this week which presaged the outbreak of the Irish Civil War, by Des Dalton.

Published January 13, 2022

Deaf ears and blind eyes fuelled rage we felt for years

joebrolly600.jpg Commentator Joe Brolly has addressed the southern establishment’s selfish response to the conflict in the north.

Published January 6, 2022

2022 will bring north’s disappearance closer

roadahead.jpg Unionists’ bad faith, bad behaviour and seditious lawlessness demonstrate the truth of Enoch Powell’s conclusion that there is no halfway house between full integration into the UK and a united Ireland.

Published January 6, 2022

It’s past time to release Leonard Peltier

peltier600.jpg This Christmas take a moment to think about Leonard Peltier.

Published December 30, 2021

‘The Treaty’

treatysigned.jpg One hundred years ago this week, a deal forced upon Irish negotiators under the threat of an immediate and terrible war, brought about the disastrous partition of Ireland. A historical account by Des Dalton.

Published December 11, 2021

A moment of great hope and optimism

mcdonaldpressclub.jpg Marking the centenary of the signing of the treaty, Sinn Féin Leader Mary Lou McDonald writes that a new and United Ireland is within sight and that we will see the ending of partition and the unification of all of our people, in our time.

Published December 11, 2021

Unionist noise masks lack of leadership

donaldsonleadership.jpg You couldn’t fail to notice a striking imbalance in the heat and noise generated here this year about the consequences of the Brexit the DUP supported.

Published November 26, 2021

Who is really shocked about the killing of a Palestinian boy?

amjaddadas.jpg A Palestinian child was killed by Israeli forces on Friday, 5 November.

Published November 13, 2021

Triggering Article 16 will mean turmoil for north

frostjohnson.jpg Within days of Brexit coming into effect last January xenophobic British tabloids were ranting about Dutch customs officers at the Hook of Holland ferry terminal confiscating ‘British lorry drivers’ ham sandwiches’.

Published November 13, 2021

This climate conference is a scam

cops26.jpg I’m starting to get the impression of COP26 as a contrived stitch up. Where world leaders get to present their inadequate action as fixing the problem. This really is dangerous stuff. You see I remember the 1992 Rio Earth Summit well.

Published November 6, 2021

Britain’s shocking role in Indonesian slaughter

indonesiamassacre.jpg British spies incited mass murder of Indonesia’s communists, according to newly declassified papers.

Published October 30, 2021

Britain reasserts its ‘selfish strategic interest’

barmyborislewis.jpg The worst threat to the Good Friday Agreement is London’s nationalist agenda, writes Emma de Souza.

Published October 30, 2021


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