[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Sheena Campbell

sheenacampbell1200.jpg Sheena Fagan Campbell was an activist, a law student, and a rising star in the Sinn Féin hierarchy. She was a single mother in Belfast who was determined to provide for her young child and at the time of her murder, she was engaged to be married.

Published October 20, 2022

The Yank

theyank.jpg An extract from a new book, ‘The Yank , in which former US Marine John Crawley delivers an unvarnished account of his role in the Irish armed struggle.

Published October 13, 2022

Operating a British agenda

stormontunionjacks.jpg In light of the latest census figures, constitutional nationalists have been jumping for joy, receiving this news as vindication of their strategy. Likewise reactionary unionists have been apoplectic with anger and fear, understanding this news as evidence of impending Rome Rule.

Published October 6, 2022

Unionists must engage in unity debate

unionists1200.jpg The latest census figures show that fundamental change is unstoppable and points towards a referendum on Irish reunification.

Published September 29, 2022

The battle for survival

keshcell.jpg An essay written in the H-Blocks of Long Kesh prison by hunger striker Bobby Sands, first published in January 1979.

Published September 22, 2022

Aodh Ruadh - A magnificent Gaelic leader

redhugh1200.jpg Saturday marked the 420th anniversary of the death of Aodh Ruadh, Red Hugh, the last of the great Gaelic leaders of Donegal.

Published September 15, 2022

Former Unionist: Why I’m now for Irish Unity

bencollinsbook.jpg My conversion to the New Ireland cause was not an overnight decision and predates Brexit. I have always felt Irish and while initially this was in addition to feeling British, my thinking has changed over time.

Published September 7, 2022

‘Shot on sight’ – Paddy Mulvenna and Jim Bryson

brysonmulvenna.jpg The ambush in which IRA Volunteers Paddy Mulvenna and Jim Bryson were assassinated by the British Army took place 49 years ago this week. An account of their lives cut short, based on a report by Relatives for Justice.

Published September 1, 2022

Is Liz Truss a rerun?

thatchertruss.jpg They say those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. It’s 1979 all over. Here we go again.

Published September 1, 2022

Michael Collins is a divisive figure

michaelcollins1200.jpg There is no doubting the indelible imprint Collins left on the national psyche.

Published August 25, 2022

The greatest friend to Irish republicanism

johnsonfoster.jpg The writing is on the wall for the future of the Union, but those for whom preserving it matters most are just too blind to see it.

Published August 25, 2022

Liz Truss is a prisoner of the extreme Brexiteers

liztruss1200.jpg Liz Truss has been wrecking the Good Friday Agreement by carrying out the actions the ERG has insisted on and which they insist on the DUP also obeying.

Published August 18, 2022

Arthur Griffith

arthurgriffith1200.jpg Arthur Griffith, the founder of Sinn Féin and one of the fathers of the Irish Free State, died 100 years ago this week, on August 12, 1922.

Published August 11, 2022

Change starts with the man in the mirror

hurling1200.jpg To conflate the modern-day GAA with the IRA and a battle for Irish unity is typical of the whataboutery, the pathetic attitude and lack of leadership that exists within political unionism.

Published August 11, 2022

The life and times of Rosie Hackett

rosiehackett.jpg The 1916 veteran and trade union activist Rosie Hackett was born 130 years ago this week.

Published July 28, 2022

This is a decade of opportunity

decadegreen.jpg The Irish government’s refusal to even begin the preparations for Irish unity is increasingly untenable.

Published July 28, 2022

Martin intends to do nothing to promote Irish unity

martinlemass.jpg Martin’s commentary on the north is entirely wrong. His appeal for reconciliation before developing any political or constitutional structures puts the cart before the horse.

Published July 21, 2022

The Orange Order: made to hate

twelfth2022.jpg Dare we hope that some day, a unionist leader will have the cojones to call the Twelfth for what it is, and to work towards the ending of the annual hatefest?

Published July 14, 2022

A tipping point

johnsonlewis1200.jpg It feels like we are at a tipping point, or at least a crunch point – again.

Published July 6, 2022

Goalposts being moved as unionism slides into minority

jeffreydonaldson1200.jpg Naturally all the responses to the British government’s anti-protocol bill have emphasised the plans to enable British ministers to ditch pretty well anything and everything in the protocol they want except three sections, Articles 2, 3 and 11.

Published June 30, 2022


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