[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Eirigi condemns ‘trial by media’

eirigi.jpg eirigi chairperson Brian Leeson issued the following statement on Monday, clarifying that no member of the group has been arrested in connection with last week’s attacks.

Published March 19, 2009

The only way to go is forward

flowers.jpg The political institutions, the peace process and Sinn Fein are as much a target of the perpetrators of Saturday night's attack as those they killed or injured.

Published March 13, 2009

Time for a Rising

ictumarch.jpg We need a Rising! That thought came into my head as I listened to RTE radio’s report of last Saturday’s mass trade union rally in Dublin.

Published February 27, 2009

A Valentine’s Day tragedy

ontherun.jpg Four Derry men remember with pain and dread a Valentines Day thirty years ago when their lives and the lives of their families were turned upside down.

Published February 20, 2009

The Burnings 1920

burningsbook.jpg Pearse Lawlor has penned the first published account of the events of July to September 1920 in which more than 1,000 Catholic families lost their homes in county Down.

Published February 13, 2009

Internment 1971 - 2009: A case of injustice

internmentold.jpg The following address was given by Tony Catney of the Republican Network for Unity at Derry’s Gasyard Centre as part of this year’s annual Bloody Sunday commemoration.

Published February 6, 2009

A defining point in Irish history

firstdailadams.jpg The keynote address by Sinn Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams at the Mansion House in Dublin to his party’s 90th anniversary commemoration of the First Dail.

Published January 30, 2009

Long Kesh - Scenes from the inside

blanketman.jpg Can an incident-packed and prolonged time span be adequately explored in the form of a play?

Published January 30, 2009

Address to First Dail Eireann commemoration

firstdailcrop.jpg Caoimhghin O Caolain TD told the official commemoration this week that the work of the First Dail remains unfinished. We publish the full text of his address.

Published January 23, 2009

Setting the ‘free Derry’ record straight

freederry.jpg The famous ‘Free Derry’ wall was painted forty years ago this month. Eamon McCann corrects the record of the day when the inspiring international landmark was born.

Published January 16, 2009

The Burntollet attack

burntollet.jpg The People’s Democracy march, forty years ago this week, is seen by historians as marking a significant turning point in the recent conflict.

Published January 9, 2009

New Year messages

2009.jpg The full text of the New Year statements issued by Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams and republican organisations in Ireland.

Published January 2, 2009

Time to write a new chapter in Pol Brennan’s life

polbrennan2.jpg Let Christmas 2008 be the last Pol Brennan ever spends behind bars.

Published December 19, 2008

The Sinn Féin election

1918const.jpg A look at the electoral facts surrounding Sinn Féin’s historic victory at the 1918 General Election, ninety years ago this week.

Published December 12, 2008

De Menezes murder - the cover-up

demenezes.jpg A cousin recalls the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes and how the British system has struggled to admit London’s own shoot-to-kill policy.

Published December 5, 2008

Republican Sinn Féin Ard Fheis

ruairiobradaigh.jpg The Presidential Address delivered by Republican Sinn Féin President Ruairi O Bradaigh in Dublin to RSF's annual conference earlier this month.

Published November 28, 2008

The father of Irish democracy

wolfetone.jpg Wolfe Tone died on November 19, 1798 - 310 years ago this week - from a stab wound to his neck which he inflicted upon himself.

Published November 21, 2008

Women in Struggle

saoirsenamban.jpg The theme of Sinn Fein's Edentubber Commemoration this year was the role of women in the struggle for Irish freedom.

Published November 13, 2008

Helicopter escape from Mountjoy

escape.jpg At Halloween 1973 in Dublin, one of the most audacious, cleverly planned jail escapes in Irish history occurred.

Published November 7, 2008

The first casualty

censorship.jpg It is twenty years to the day, since the British Government imposed the media ban as part of another review of security in the North of Ireland.

Published October 31, 2008


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