[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Action alert - Gerry McGeough

gerrymcgeoughbw.jpg An action alert was issued by supporters of leading republican Gerry McGeough following a bizarre intervention in his trial by far-right Swedish operatives.

Published March 29, 2010

The Black and Tans

blackandtans.jpg On the 90th anniversary of the arrival in Ireland of one of England’s most notorious of militias, we present a brief history of the infamous Black and Tans.

Published March 25, 2010

Omagh - The search for the truth

gchq.jpg A reporter responds to the call by the ‘Northern Ireland Affairs Committee’ at the London parliament for a further investigation into the Omagh bomb.

Published March 22, 2010

The Irish Republican Brotherhood

irb.jpg On March 17, 1858, 152 years ago this week, James Stephens founded the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) in Dublin at the same time as John O’Mahoney was founding the American branch of the revolutionary group.

Published March 15, 2010

Women freedom fighters

armaghprison.jpg To mark international women’s day, we carry the following article on the women hunger strikers of Armagh prison, by DM Daugherty.

Published March 8, 2010

Sam Marshall - A set up

sammarshall.jpg Twenty years ago, Sam Marshall was walking home with two other men when they were confronted by masked gunmen who opened up with automatic fire.

Published March 4, 2010

Irish peace process has lessons for Basques

basquecountrymap.jpg The impact of the peace process in Ireland is clearly evident in the language used in peace efforts in the Basque Country.

Published March 1, 2010

Roger Casement

rogercasement.jpg Roger Casement had returned to Ireland in 1916 to share his comrades’ fate. In 1965, 49 years later and 45 years ago this week, he was finally able to rejoin them one last time.

Published February 25, 2010

Save Newgrange

newgrange.jpg The unique prehistoric site of Newgrange in County Meath, Ireland is threatened by a planned bypass of Slane village; to preserve the site, the village should be closed to lorries, or the bypass should take a western route.

Published February 22, 2010

Irish unity conference in London

unityconference.jpg A conference on the prospects for Irish unity organised by Sinn Fein in London on Saturday heard that unification “within a meaningful time-scale” is both “realistic and feasible”.

Published February 22, 2010

Ryan’s madness and folly in Corrib row

eamonryan.jpg The Corrib saga has become so bitter and divisive, it can be hard to see the obvious.

Published February 18, 2010

Interview with Gerry Adams

gerryadamsflat.jpg A recent interview with Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams about sectarian parades, the policing and justice deal, and the controversy surrounding allegations against his brother Liam.

Published February 15, 2010

Mandela’s dark years

nelsonmandela.jpg This week marks the 20th anniversary of the release from captivity of Nelson Mandela. We carry an extract from his memoirs on his time at Robben Island prison.

Published February 11, 2010

Action alert - Maghaberry visitors strip-searched

maghaberry.jpg An action alert by families of republican prisoners being held at Maghaberry jail in county Antrim.

Published February 4, 2010

Bloody Sunday - the struggle continues

bloodysunday2.jpg As many victims of miscarriages of justice will testify, admissions of guilt by Britain take a long time to come to pass.

Published January 25, 2010

Inquiry must look at role of politics

banks.jpg Before deciding what form an inquiry should take, we must define what exactly we need to know.

Published January 21, 2010

Response to Sunday Tribune

adams.jpg Gerry Adams replies to allegations published by Suzanne Breen and the Sunday Tribune newspaper.

Published January 18, 2010

The UDA and the pay-off

udaguns.jpg The basis of the UDA decommissioning settlement was set out back in 2007.

Published January 14, 2010

Liam Mellows’s escape

liammellows.jpg How Liam Mellows escaped from exile in England to return to Ireland in time for the 1916 Rising.

Published January 11, 2010

New Year statements

2010.jpg The annual New Year statements issued by the main nationalist and republican organisations

Published January 2, 2010


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