[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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The long-running farce undermining unity

eoinmacneill1200.jpg Few eyebrows will have been raised north of the border at this week’s revelations that the Irish government bungled the Boundary Commission post-partition. Dropping the ball then set a pattern for the century to come.

Published August 3, 2023

North has never been integral part of UK

untiedkingdom.jpg An Irish academic is right to criticise a new book for ‘sidestepping the colonial question’ when it comes to the north of Ireland.

Published August 3, 2023

Margaret Buckley

margaretbuckley.jpg Margaret Buckley was an Irish republican and president of Sinn Féin from 1937 to 1950. She was the first female leader of Sinn Féin and was the first Irishwoman to lead a political party. An account of her life from Saoirse, first published by RSF in 1998.

Published July 27, 2023

A pain that never leaves

quinncommemoration.jpg Brothers Richard (10), Mark (9) and Jason (8), died when a petrol bomb was thrown through the living room window of their home in Carnany estate in Ballymoney, on July 12 1998. Dave Joyce, father of one of the Quinn boys, spoke to the Sunday World.

Published July 27, 2023

Kincora won’t go away

mountbatten1200.jpg The decades-old snake pit that is the former Kincora Boys’ Home in Belfast, where children were abused in blackmail tactics against unionist politicians and loyalists by British spooks, is about to resurface.

Published July 20, 2023

End internment now

endinternment2.jpg Increasing numbers of Irish republicans are being detained without bail and with little prospect of facing trial. Members of the Soaradh leadership have now endured three years of ‘internment by remand’. The party is calling on all republicans and human rights groups to speak out about the mounting scandal.

Published July 13, 2023

What exactly is the Orange Order celebrating?

orangewalk1200.jpg Today marks the start of the marching month of July. It is sometimes called the mad month which, just like clockwork, sees bonfires in built-up areas, parades (and feeder parades), speeches and resolutions, banners, and all the rest.

Published July 6, 2023

Border poll will force all of us to face our biases

border1200.jpg A fundamental lack of understanding between people North and South is the greatest barrier to reconciliation of this island.

Published June 22, 2023

The murder of Wolfe Tone

wolfetone1200.jpg In this 225th anniversary year of the 1798 rebellion, common sense should dictate the way we view the death of Ireland’s greatest patriot. By Paddy Cullivan (For the Irish Times).

Published June 15, 2023

Legalising lawlessness

britishempire.jpg Not a single reputable legal expert has expressed support for a bill which is concocted only to whitewash the actions of British military personnel here.

Published June 15, 2023

The ethnic cleansing of the Highland Clearances

clearances.jpg The Highland Clearances in Scotland were part of a process of agricultural change throughout Britain, but the late timing, the abruptness of the change from the Clan System in the Scottish Highlands and the brutality of many of the evictions gave the Highland Clearances particular notoriety.

Published June 8, 2023

Michelle O’Neill’s Washington visit a smart move

oneillschumer.jpg Rishi Sunak represents no-one in the north, has no legitimacy to speak for anyone here. Yet he is trying to concoct a secret deal with the DUP that will provide them with a fig leaf to cover a return to Stormont.

Published June 8, 2023

How the Civil War tore families apart

civilwarend.jpg One hundred years ago this week, the Civil War came to an end. Peace settled on the country, but the conflict left a bitter legacy that not only divided the country politically but also broke families apart — and the effects reverberated through generations.

Published June 1, 2023

Inching towards the exit door

localelectionscount23.jpg Frankly, there will be an audible sigh of relief in Westminster if it looks like Northern Ireland will be voted out of existence in the next few years.

Published June 1, 2023

A Unionist veto dressed as conflict resolution

irishunity.jpg Imagine people in Britain were told Brexit would not happen because only a narrow majority had voted for it? That the issue was so divisive it required a supermajority of 60 percent before it passed?

Published May 25, 2023

Britain is continuing the Palestinian catastrophe

britishsoldierpalestine.jpg Britain’s role in the Nakba, the Palestinian displacement of 75 years ago, is not restricted to its actions in the 20th century, writes Leanne Mohamad, a British Palestinian human rights activist based in London.

Published May 18, 2023

Interview with family of Adrian Carroll

adriancarroll.jpg In a rare interview the brothers and sisters of Adrian Carroll have told how they continue to “remember him every day” despite the passing of four decades.

Published May 18, 2023

I fought a monster today

sandsprison1200.jpg Black flag vigils are taking place in Dublin and elsewhere on Friday to mark the anniversary of the death of 1981 hunger striker Bobby Sands. The following piece by Sands was originally published in 1978.

Published May 4, 2023

‘Scap’, 20 years on

scappaticci1200.jpg Following the reported death of Freddie Scappaticci, Anthony McIntyre recalls the bitter divisions over the ‘Stakeknife’ allegations that the head of the Provisional IRA’s Internal Security Unit was a British agent. For The Pensive Quill.

Published April 27, 2023

Looking forward to the next 25 years

sinnfeingfa.jpg A quarter century on from the Belfast Agreement, we look to the next 25 years, committed to work together to build a better, more prosperous future for all the people of this island.

Published April 20, 2023


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