[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Turf Lodge – a proud community

turflodgeposter.jpg Through many difficult years the people of Turf Lodge demonstrated time and time again a commitment to their families and to each other.

Published October 24, 2010

Raiders of the lost archives

archives.jpg Declassified official documents shed an interesting light on British government attitudes towards loyalist infiltration of the security forces and loyalist violence in the 1970s.

Published October 19, 2010

Sinn Fein proposals for the economy

sflogoflat.jpg An edited version of Sinn Fein’s proposals for the Six-County economy which were published today.

Published October 14, 2010

Inside Castlereagh

castlereagh.jpg Former RUC men who worked at Castlereagh torture centre in Belfast described for the Guardian newspaper what was expected of them.

Published October 12, 2010

‘Dissident revolt’ - the 2010 dirty protest

blanketman.jpg Gary Donnelly, a former prisoner in the North's high-security facility at Maghaberry, speaks about a shocking, largely unnoticed protest by republican dissidents that erupted inside the prison ealier this year.

Published October 8, 2010

Action alert for Gerry McGeough and Vincent McAnespie

actionalert.jpg What can we do to help support Gerry and Vincent at this time”?

Published October 4, 2010

See how the one percent live

onepercentwalkposter.jpg Just 1% of the population are estimated to own 34% of the wealth of the Twenty-Six Counties. The &lsquo1% Network’ is to hold a political walking tour through the heartland of the golden circle in Dublin.

Published October 1, 2010

The Murder of Volunteer Diarmuid O’Neill - 14 Years On

diarmuidoneill.jpg On September 23 1996, IRA volunteer Diarmuid O’Neill was shot dead during an arrest operation by armed members of the Metropolitan Police in Hammersmith, London, England.

Published September 27, 2010

Tom Williams

tomwilliams.jpg IRA Volunteer Tom Williams was hanged at age 19 by the British in September 1942, 68 years ago this month, for his part in a gun battle with the RUC which left one RUC man dead.

Published September 24, 2010

Sinn Fein plans 26-County strategy

sflogo.jpg The opening address to Sinn Fein’s ‘think-in’ ahead of the resumption of the Dublin parliament next month, by the Sinn Fein Dail leader Caoimhghin O Caolain.

Published September 20, 2010

The Inside Story: the INLA execution of “King Rat”

inlaflagsbanner.jpg An account of the Irish National Liberation Army operation to execute Loyalist Volunteer Force leader Wright on the morning of 27th of December 1997.

Published September 16, 2010

The speeches of the Manchester Martyrs

manchestermartyrs.jpg The rescue of Colonel Kelly and Captain Deasy while they were being conveyed to Salford gaol, near Manchester (September 18th, 1867), is one of the most stirring episodes of the Fenian movement.

Published September 14, 2010

Eta opens opportunity for armed struggle to end

basquecountrymap.jpg It will not come as a surprise to the leadership of Eta or the political leaders of the banned Herri Batasuna - the party closest to Eta - that the Spanish government’s response to the ceasefire announcement was insulting and offensive.

Published September 9, 2010

Blair is a lifer in the prison of his dark past

tonyblair.jpg Tony Blair's bloody legacy has made it impossible for him to go unguarded anywhere in the world.

Published September 6, 2010

Irish Republicans will not be purchased or intimidated

dasdalton.jpg An address to the party’s Hunger Strike commemoration in Bundoran on Saturday August 28th by the President of Republican Sinn Fein, Des Dalton.

Published September 2, 2010

Ombudsman’s claims must be challenged

edwarddaly.jpg Bishop Edward Daly speaks out about a 'less challenging style of journalism at work now'.

Published August 30, 2010

Saville report a job well done for victims’ families

sundayrelatives.jpg Many of the Bloody Sunday relatives have spoken publicly about their feelings since the publication of the Saville report for the first time at Belfast’s Feile an Phobal.

Published August 27, 2010

Interview with ‘Oglaigh na h-Eireann’

onh.jpg Extracts from the interview between the Irish News and a representative of ‘Oglaigh na h-Eireann’.

Published August 23, 2010

Michael Collins

michaelcollins.jpg An account of the life of Irish military leader Michael Collins, who died 88 years ago this week.

Published August 20, 2010

Hunger strike commemoration

hungercommemoration2010.jpg Some 10,000 people gathered in Bellaghy, County Derry for Sinn Fein’s annual hunger strike commemoration.

Published August 16, 2010


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