[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Oration at the grave of O’Donovan Rossa

odonovanrossa.jpg Padraig Pearse’s oration at Glasnevin cemetery in Dublin at the funeral of Irish Fenian leader Jeremiah O’Donovan Rossa was a significant event in the lead up to the Easter Rising of 1916.

Published April 6, 2012

How the bankers cashed in after Pearse’s death

padraigpearse.jpg Dublin bankers cashed in Pádraig Pearse’s life insurance policy just weeks after he was executed in 1916 and used the money to redeem a series of promissory notes.

Published March 30, 2012

Colm Keenan and Eugene McGillan

keenanmcgillan.jpg The Bogside and Brandywell Monument Committee held a commemoration in Derry this week for nineteen-year-old Colm Keenan and eighteen-year-old Eugene McGillan, who were shot dead by British soldiers in the Dove Gardens area of the Bogside on March 14, 1972.

Published March 23, 2012

George Clancy - Murdered Mayor

georgeclancy.jpg The two murdered mayors’, is still a familiar Limerick expression, particularly among older citizens. Both were killed by the Black and Tans in the small hours of Monday 7 March 1921.

Published March 16, 2012

The Fenian Rebellion

fenianrising.jpg The Fenian Rising of 1867 took place on this week, 145 years ago.

Published March 9, 2012

Make a stand - together

adamsmedia.jpg The text of an address delivered by Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams as he launched the party’s ‘Love Rural Ireland’ campaign this [Friday] morning in Castlebar.

Published March 2, 2012

Marian Price needs you

marianpriceaddress.jpg It is encouraging to note the growing interest in Marian Price even if it has been slow to materialise.

Published March 2, 2012

The Clonmult ambush

clonmultambush.jpg The greatest loss of life incurred by the Cork IRA occurred at Clonmult, seven miles north of Midleton, 91 years ago this week.

Published February 24, 2012

Breaking with fear in Greece

greekprotest.jpg The real news in Greece is not about riots, but of a growing number of people who have broken away from fear and decided to fight back against the austerity imposed by the 'Troika' of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF.

Published February 17, 2012

Interview with Martin McGuinness

martinmcguinnesssmile.jpg Martin McGuinness on his campaign to become President, his IRA past, his efforts to end the conflict in the North of Ireland and his call for a vote on Irish unity.

Published February 3, 2012

Bloody Sunday commemoration 2012

marchforjusticeposter.jpg The ‘Hooded Men’ were a group of internees who were systematically tortured by the British military in 1971. We carry a statement from several of the surviving ‘Hooded Men’ on the subject of the 40th anniversary Bloody Sunday march, to take place in Derry on Sunday 29th January, as well as a program of events for the weekend.

Published January 27, 2012

Kevin Barry

kevinbarry.jpg Kevin Barry, one of Ireland’s youngest martyrs, was born in Dublin on January 20, 1902, 110 years ago today.

Published January 20, 2012

Echoes of 1981

maghaberrycells.jpg Tensions are deepening at Maghaberry as riot squads take the place of regular warders. A look at the current situation and the history of the current prisoners’ protest.

Published January 13, 2012

RSF President looks back

rsfardfheis2011.jpg The Presidential Address delivered at the 107th Ard Fheis of Republican Sinn Féin last month in which Des Dalton reviews events of the past year and looks to the future.

Published December 30, 2011

A victim of an evil regime

marianpriceflat.jpg In a rare interview, Marian Price has revealed the toll her time in isolation in Maghaberry prison has taken on her physical and mental health.

Published December 23, 2011

Remember Irish political prisoners this Christmas

prisonerschristmas.jpg December is the traditional month for remembering those still in jail in Ireland for their republican beliefs.

Published December 16, 2011

McGurk’s Bar, forty years on

mcgurksbar2.jpg Patrick McGurk lost his mother and sister in the bomb that ripped through his father’s bar in Belfast’s North Queen Street. On the 40th anniversary of the bombing he spoke about his memories of December 4 1971 and how victims’ families are still continuing to fight for the truth.

Published December 9, 2011

The Anglo-Irish Treaty

angloirishtreaty.jpg An introduction by Joseph Gannon to the history behind the Anglo-Irish Treaty, signed 90 years ago this week and which sowed the seeds of a conflict which continues to this day.

Published December 2, 2011

A day in the life of a Maghaberry prisoner

prisonerbars.jpg An open letter by DD McLaughlin, an Irish republican prisoner on protest against strip-searching and other abuses at Maghberry.

Published November 25, 2011

The Ballymurphy campaign - a landmark judgement

ballymurphymarch.jpg The decision of the north’s Attorney General to reopen 10 of the 11 Ballymurphy cases is a landmark judgement which gives hope back to those families that their long journey toward truth and justice may now succeed.

Published November 17, 2011


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