Bloody Sunday commemoration 2012
Bloody Sunday commemoration 2012

The ‘Hooded Men’ were a group of internees who were systematically tortured by the British military in 1971. Below we carry a statement from several of the surviving ‘Hooded Men’ on the subject of the 40th anniversary Bloody Sunday march, to take place in Derry on Sunday 29th January, as well as a program of events for the weekend.


Forty years ago the Stormont government banned the Civil Rights march scheduled to take place in Derry on January 30th 1972. The ban was unsuccessful, but the British Tory government followed through its counter-insurgency strategy, which began with the introduction of internment in 1971, by shooting down peaceful marchers who came out on the streets in defiance of state terror. Today, another Tory government and its middle-management in Stormont denies human and civil rights by upholding internment while also trying, by some rather desperate means, to prevent people from marching again in defence of these rights. On January 29th, we, as former Long Kesh internees, will join the march that will mark the fortieth anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Derry. We will march under a banner calling for an end to internment in 2012, and our numbers will include survivors of the ‘hooded treatment’, who were tortured in August 1971. We now call on every ex-internee and ex-prisoner who reads this letter join us and help carry our banner.

People are now being held without trial in the six counties at the whim of an English Secretary of State. This present-day internment is the same in all but name as that introduced in August 1971, and is the same type of repression that people marched against so bravely in January 1972. We oppose internment no matter how the British decide to implement it - whether via the ‘suspension of license’, the denial of pardons, the use of non-jury courts and the gamut of other repressive legislation at their disposal. We will march in defence of human rights, in protest against present-day internment and in opposition to the torture that continues to be practiced by the British state in Ireland and abroad. In doing so, we will salute the memory of the brave men, women and children who once marched for our freedom and who were murdered, wounded and brutalised by the British army on the streets of Derry forty years ago. We will also remember our friends who died prematurely as a result of the torture - Pat Shivers from Toomebridge, Mickey Montgomery from Derry and Sean McKenna from Newry.

The march that took place on January 30th, 1972, was a protest against internment and torture - crimes that were employed by the British state to terrorise the population of the six counties. All of the demands raised by the popular Civil Rights Movement, which the Bloody Sunday massacre was designed to destroy, remain unfulfilled. Today, the right to decent housing and jobs is denied to young people across Ireland, while the uninhibited use of stop and search powers targets not just adults but even children on their way to and from school. Along with widespread PSNI brutality during arrests, raids and other, more ‘routine’ incidences of harassment, these abuses underline the six counties’ enduring status and notoriety as a police state.

The order to commit mass murder was issued in Derry just as it was to deal with every other popular anti-colonial insurgency against British rule. These repressive policies remain central to British state strategy today: internment is still taking place in Ireland, while prisoners in Maghaberry jail are, on a daily basis, subjected to strip-search torture. These human rights abuses do not end here: through their army and intelligence agencies, the British continue to torture prisoners abroad, both in British-occupied territory and on behalf of dictator-clients like Muammar Gadaffi via practices such as ‘rendition’, abduction and outright murder.

Let no individual or political party imagine that they are the exclusive owners of the Bloody Sunday march. The people of Derry mobilised in January 1972 in a courageous, brilliant and popular protest against internment, and in defence of universal human rights. Their bravery continues to inspire people across the world, and their example will always have a truly global resonance; therefore, we believe that the fortieth anniversary Bloody Sunday march should take place, because human rights and civil rights are still being denied by the British state and its agents in Stormont.

We call on everybody who believes in these basic and universal rights to join the march and show their opposition to the continuation of repression, internment and torture, wherever it may occur. In doing so, we will all mark the fortieth anniversary of Bloody Sunday and inspire the world again by declaring that no apology from any British government will ever be acceptable while they and their allies continue to terrorise those who stand up against oppression and believe in freedom. By coming on this march, we will help build a great and enduring monument to the memory of all of those who died protesting against internment and defending all of our civil rights,

Michael Donnelly, Derry
Gerry McKerr, Lurgan
Patrick McNally, Armagh
Brian Turley, Armagh
Francie McGuigan, Belfast
Kevin Hannaway, Belfast
Joe Clark, Belfast
Jim Auld, Belfast


Friday 27 January / An Aoine 27 Eanair

Bloody Sunday Memorial Concert, with internationally renowned singer Frances Black and special guests. Tickets available from Museum of Free Derry.

Ionad / Venue Culturlann Ui Chanain , 7.30pm. Admission #7.50.

Saturday 28 January / An Satharn 28 Eanair

Book signing, Setting The Truth Free - The Inside Story of the Bloody Sunday Justice Campaign by Julieann Campbell.

Ionad / Venue: Eason’s, Foyleside, 2.00pm.

Uniting Ireland Conference - Towards A New Republic: Panel discussion on the benefits of the reunification of Ireland. High profile speakers from a cross section of Irish society debate the merits of A New Republic. Speakers will include Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams TD and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuiness. All welcome. Organised by Sinn Fein.

Ionad / Venue: Millennium Forum, 2.00pm.

2012 Bloody Sunday Lecture, delivered by prominent barrister Michael Mansfield. To be introduced by Geraldine Finucane.

Ionad / Venue: Millennium Forum, 7.30pm. Admission by donation.

Sunday 29 January / An Domhnach 29 Eanair

40th anniversary Bloody Sunday Memorial Service. All welcome.

Ionad / Venue: Bloody Sunday Monument, Rossville Street, 1.00pm.

The Saville Report and Gerald Donaghey - Unfinished Business: Using the medium of drama this event will examine the conclusions of the Saville Report in respect of Gerald Donaghey. The report was quite unequivocal in finding that there was no justification whatsoever for his murder. However the report came to no firm conclusions on the controversial issue of whether nail bombs had been planted on his body after he was shot. This hour long event will present civilian, British Army and RUC evidence as heard at the Tribunal and examine why this question was not resolved. This remains unfinished business not only for the Donaghey family but for the wider community. Including Eamonn McCann (Bloody Sunday Trust) and Jane Winter (British Irish Rights Watch) members of the Donaghey family and eyewitnesses. Soup and sandwiches available.

Organised by the Pat Finucane Centre and the Bloody Sunday Events Committee

Ionad / Venue: Culturlann Ui Chanain, 2.00pm.

Bloody Sunday March for Justice

Ionad / Venue: Creggan Shops 2:30pm

‘Lost Youth - Songs of Solidarity’ - CD launch and Gig: ‘Lost Youth - Songs of Solidarity’ is a benefit CD for a young Palestinian theatre performer imprisoned since 2005. Fifteen year old Mohammed was taken by soldiers as he travelled with other youths to participate in a dance and drama tour of Ireland, Scotland and England. A portion of proceeds will also go towards promoting the child prisoner issue.

Rich, passionate and absorbing, the album contains an eclectic mix of songs and tunes from a variety of genres. Traditional Irish and Basque tracks nestle comfortably between thought-provoking political folk and Palestinian hip-hop. Contributions include: Grainne Holland, Barry Kerr, Cormac Breatnach, Pol Mac Adaim, David Rovics, Lowkey, DAM, Arramazka, Mickey Coleman, Declan McLaughlin, Kila, Damien Dempsey.

Ionad / Venue: Sandino’s Bar, 6.00pm.

Monday 30 January / De Luain 30 Eanair

Minutes silence in memory of those killed on Bloody Sunday.

Ionad / Venue: Bloody Sunday Monument, Rossville Street, 4.00pm.

Bloody Sunday Memorial Mass: All welcome.

Ionad / Venue: St Mary’s, Creggan, 7.30pm.

First night of the play Heroes With Their Hands in the Air. Adapted from the book The Bloody Sunday Inquiry: The Families Speak Out by Eamonn McCann, this play gives a powerful interpretation of loss alongside the pursuit of justice. Heroes With Their Hands In The Air portrays the families and victims own accounts of the relentless battle to vindicate their loved ones and themselves during the longest legal proceedings in this country’s history.

Ionad / Venue: The Playhouse, Artillery Street, 8.30pm. Also showing Tuesday 31 January 4.00pm, Friday 3 February 8.00pm and Saturday 4 February 8.00pm. Admission 10 pounds (Tuesday matinee performance 7.50).

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