[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Israel’s destruction of Gaza’s healthcare system

alshifa.jpg Israel has ended its assault on the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, because there is nothing left to assault.

Published April 4, 2024

Britain will never reveal its role in the ‘dirty war’

kenova.jpg None of Jon Boutcher’s recommendations from Operation Kenova are likely to be actioned, writes Brian Feeney.

Published March 28, 2024

Rosemary Nelson’s last interview

rosemarynelson1200.jpg This week marks the 25th anniversary of the assassination of prominent Irish human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson. Her killing, amid Crown force harassment, led to the continuing belief that the state colluded with her loyalist killers.

Published March 21, 2024

Fire and rain: the burning of Long Kesh

burningkesh1200.jpg An eyewitness account of the burning of the Long Kesh prison camp by Irish republican internees 45 years ago this week, by Irish author Ronan Bennett.

Published March 21, 2024

Unveiling of statues is historic day for Belfast

statues.jpg The installation of two bronze statues in the grounds of Belfast City Hall to commemorate two radical Belfast women has been hailed as a “historic and symbolic day for the city”.

Published March 14, 2024

Vote No, twice

amendmentsbook.jpg A referendum takes place in the 26 Counties on Friday to alter two articles of the Irish Constitution relating to families. Voters should vote no on the basis they can both be redone, better, later.

Published March 7, 2024

The GAA club that saw off an army

choppercrossmaglen1200.jpg A documentary on the Crossmaglen Rangers club in south Armagh highlights the difficulties it has faced throughout the conflict.

Published February 29, 2024

Stop this genocide

gazafamine.jpg I want to return to my home. I want to feel like a human deserving of life. Truly deserving of the most basic human rights.

Published February 22, 2024

Britain cannot handle the truth

patfinucane12002.jpg An extract from an essay by Megan K. Stack for the New York Times on the cover-up of the assassination of Belfast defence lawyer Pat Finucane, 35 years ago this month.

Published February 22, 2024

World leaders complicit in Israel’s crimes

israelcrimes.jpg Palestinians are at the end of the queue when it comes to international law, according to the Motasem A Dalloul of Middle East Monitor.

Published February 15, 2024

Perfidious Albion and the trashing of the GFA

donaldsonchh.jpg You’ve read this judgement by General de Gaulle here before but it’s worth reminding you of it again: “For England there is no alliance which holds, nor any treaty that’s valued, nor any truth which counts.”

Published February 15, 2024

A border poll is a case of when, not if

borderpollsf.jpg There won’t be a border poll tomorrow, but Northern Ireland is closer to a vote than it has ever been before. It is not a case of if the people of Northern Ireland go to the polls – it’s a case of when.

Published February 8, 2024

We will speak up for Palestinians

gazabodies.jpg Sinn Féin will show up for Palestinians in its St Patrick’s Day visit to Washington, writes the party’s First Minister-designate Michelle O’Neill.

Published February 1, 2024

Blame for stand-off lies squarely with inept Heaton-Harris

heatonharris1200.jpg Chris Heaton-Harris has been a complete and utter failure in office. The DUP are laughing up their sleeves at him.

Published January 18, 2024

2024 State Papers

statepapers1200.jpg A round-up of previously classified state papers which were released over the New Year.

Published January 4, 2024

New Year statements

2024.jpg A round-up of the statements issed to mark the New Year by Sinn Féin and republican groups across Ireland.

Published January 4, 2024

The DUP is not a normal political party

donaldsonhillsborough.jpg Some people may have expected the DUP to fold and agree before Christmas to resurrect the Stormont administration. Those who held that expectation did so because they believe mistakenly that the DUP is a normal political party.

Published December 21, 2023

A horrible year for the PSNI

bmca.jpg It was hard to think of a way that the PSNI’s year could have gotten worse, but somehow they managed it this week.

Published December 14, 2023

Britain’s smokescreen for Israel’s ethnic cleansing

gazababy.jpg In 1917, the British government announced its support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. After leaving in 1948, Britain kept a foothold on nearby Cyprus from where it now helps Israel bomb Gaza. Now, Britain is secretly backing Israel’s complete takeover of Palestine.

Published December 7, 2023

Why the silence from some on Sean Brown?

seanbrownflat.jpg Over half a century after the civil rights movement, the PSNI appears to be protecting secret agents who are apparently immune from prosecution.

Published December 7, 2023


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