[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Pearse and the Pillar

statuespearse.jpg The afterlife of the Nelson Pillar on O’Connell Street is every bit as interesting as its lifespan, and from the late 1960s onwards various committees and campaign groups lobbied with the aim of placing a monument in the location where Nelson had stood.

Published December 15, 2018

Hard Brexit must mean a Border Poll

bordersign.jpg The timing for making an argument for a Border Poll or as its now being called a Unity Referendum has become a bone of contention. The negativity about the timing of holding one is creating negativity at the very time we need to examine the issue positively.

Published December 15, 2018

The 1918 election, a turning point in history

1918electionmap.jpg The general election of 1918 provided Sinn Fein with a democratic endorsement both to establish Dail Eireann and proclaim a republic.

Published December 8, 2018

DUPed again

sammywilsonflat.jpg Excessive threatening language has long been part of political unionism’s response when faced with the prospect of change.

Published November 24, 2018

Bridget Dirrane

bridgetdirrane.jpg Bridget Dirrane is a remarkable person in the history of Ireland.

Published November 17, 2018

The GFA is under siege - and so is my right to be Irish

desouza.jpg A community is, in the here and now, being marginalised, penalised and discriminated against, the effect of which is catastrophic. And the cause is their identity.

Published November 17, 2018

The last British soldier shot for mutiny

jamesdalymutiny.jpg An account of the awakening of an Irish soldier who led a mutiny against the British Army over its atrocities in India and Ireland, and his subsequent execution, 98 years ago this week.

Published November 3, 2018

I am a political prisoner, held hostage by Spain

jordicuixart.jpg For a year now, I am held without bail and without even a trial date for having defended fundamental rights in any democracy, such as the freedom of speech and the freedom to meet and protest.

Published October 20, 2018

The IRA Hunger Strike of 1923

1923hungerstrike.jpg In the Ireland of 1922, a civil war tore through the land and in its path it ripped apart families and friendships. It also created a deeper wedge in an unstable society where the church grappled for top position in an emerging new state.

Published October 13, 2018

Liadh Ni Riada campaign launch

liadhspeech.jpg Liadh Ni Riada is the youngest daughter of the iconic composer and musician, Sean O’Riada. On Sunday she was confirmed as Sinn Fein’s candidate for the Presidency of Ireland in next month’s election. The following is the text of her campaign launch speech.

Published September 22, 2018

Ballymurphy story must be told

funeralbalymurphy.jpg Before Bloody Sunday there was Ballymurphy. Its story must be told, according to Callum Macrae, the director of The Ballymurphy Precedent, a shorter version of which was broadcast on Channel 4.

Published September 15, 2018

The Ballymurphy Precedent

precedent.jpg A new film looking at the events leading up to and including the Ballymurphy Massacre is having preview screenings across Ireland and Britain in advance of a wider release.

Published August 18, 2018

Meet the Rajapaksas

rajapaksas.jpg DUP MP Ian Paisley has been found to have improperly lobbied on behalf of Sri Lanka’s then Rajapaksa regime against accusations of war crimes which targeted the minority Tamil population. Meet the Rajapaksas, in this Channel 4 report from 2013.

Published July 28, 2018

The Rebel Countess

markieviczgun.jpg An introduction to the life of Constance Georgine Markievicz, an Irish politician, suffragette, socialist and republican rebel.

Published July 21, 2018

Ireland must act against Israel’s war crimes

francesblackfarmers.jpg Ireland is entitled to disassociate from what the EU itself condemns as clear breaches of international law.

Published July 14, 2018

The Falls Curfew - July 1970

fallscurfew.jpg Michael Shaw Mahoney captures the Falls Curfew of July 1970 through the eyes of the late Billy Curran (for the Pensive Quill).

Published July 7, 2018

Septic Ulster

williemccrea600.jpg Theresa May’s new list of working peers includes an ex-MP from the proppers-up of her government, the Democratic Unionist Party: the Rev William “Boxcar Willie” McCrea, veteran gospel-singing politician.

Published June 9, 2018

The DUP - deaf to the winds of change

abortionprotest2.jpg We may sometimes not like what History delivers, but being on the wrong side of history can be painful.

Published June 2, 2018

The revival of Palestinian consciousness

palestinianwoman.jpg Ghada Karmi is a Palestinian physician, academic and writer. Her latest book is entitled Return: A Palestinian Memoir. Despite the recent shocking events in Gaza, she sees hope for the Palestinian cause.

Published May 26, 2018

Disrupt and Deny - Britain’s dirty war in Ireland

disruptanddeny.jpg Rory Cormac, a professor of international relations specialising in secret intelligence and covert action, has found archival evidence to prove Edward Heath’s government directed ‘black ops’ on the streets of Ireland.

Published May 19, 2018


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