[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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The Springhill Massacre

springhillmassacre.jpg British Army snipers killed five civilians at the Springhill estate in west Belfast on 9 July 1972, eleven months after the Ballymurphy massacre, and 47 years ago this week.

Published July 5, 2019

Miriam Daly

miriamdaly.jpg Miriam Daly, an Irish republican socialist and university lecturer, was assassinated by the loyalist Ulster Defence Association (UDA) in a killing which continues to provoke questions. Her body, bound and shot, was found by her nine-year-old daughter after she returned from school in Andersonstown, 39 years ago this week. In this interview, Anthony Neeson spoke to Jim Daly, her widower

Published June 28, 2019

Voting rights extension is a no-brainer

higginsgaa.jpg An analysis by Brian Feeney of the move by the Dublin government to extend voting rights to northerners and emigrants in the case of Presidential elections.

Published June 28, 2019

Give us justice – arrest the Loughinisland killers

loughinislandvictims2.jpg As the anniversary of Loughinisland is remembered, a look at an extraordinary campaign for justice which continues to battle cover-up and collusion.

Published June 22, 2019

Remains of Great Hunger victims emerge, 172 years on

remainshunger.jpg A storm has exposed the bones of Irish children on a Canadian beach, recalling a holocaust of greed that devastated Ireland and changed the world.

Published June 15, 2019

The first rule of Fine Gael: don't get caught

varadkarbailey.jpg Calls for Maria Bailey to be kicked out of Fine Gael for damaging the party are unfair when she represents everything they stand for... absolutely nothing but themselves.

Published June 8, 2019

45th anniversary of Michael Gaughan’s death

michaelgaughanflat.jpg Michael Gaughan was killed by the prison and medical authorities of Parkhurst Prison on 3 June 1974, 45 years ago.

Published June 1, 2019

25th anniversary of Widow Scallans attack

docodoherty.jpg This week marks the 25th anniversary of the death of IRA Volunteer Martin ‘Doco’ Doherty, who died defending a Sinn Fein function at the Widow Scallans pub in Dublin from a bomb attack by the UVF.

Published May 25, 2019

The troubling case of Julian Assange

assangearrest.jpg Julian Assange continues to ripple and roam as a cipher through the political and media scape of the world. Detained in Belmarsh maximum security prison, the sort of stately abode only reserved for the most dangerous of criminals, many with indeterminate sentences, he electrifies and concerns.

Published May 4, 2019

The final days of Bobby Sands

sandscoma.jpg A contemporaneous account of the last-ditch efforts to save the life of IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands, who died this week 38 years ago.

Published May 4, 2019

The Amritsar Massacre

amritsar.jpg An infamous event in Britain’s colonial occupation of India took place a hundred years ago this week. A historical account of the massacre at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar on Apri 13, 1919.

Published April 13, 2019

Amid the Brexit chaos, Scotland is a beacon of sense

scotlandbrexit.jpg An analysis piece from the Enniscorthy Guardian looks at how Scotland’s approach to Brexit resonates in Ireland.

Published April 13, 2019

A referendum on unity is coming

unityref.jpg The fiasco that is Brexit, and the Tory and DUP shambles of a response to it, have together opened up a willingness for a real and meaningful conversation on Unity.

Published April 6, 2019

Who killed Rosemary Nelson?

rosemarynelson3.jpg North Armagh-based human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson was assassinated 20 years ago this week in an attack in which high-level collusion is still suspected. A report by Beatrix Campbell on the smears and disinformation which continued long after her death.

Published March 16, 2019

Bloody Sunday - the top brass gets away with it

generalford.jpg There may be only one thing that the Bloody Sunday families and the defenders of the Parachute Regiment are agreed on following the announcement that a former lance corporal is to be charged with two murders and four attempted murders: that it is perverse and unfair that one low-ranking soldier should be made to carry the can for what happened in Derry 47 years ago.

Published March 16, 2019

How the truth of Loughinisland is still suppressed

nostoneunturned2.jpg A background to the continuing police harassment of two journalists involved in making the film ‘No Stone Unturned’ by its director Alex Gibney.

Published March 2, 2019

Victory for the Chagos Islanders

chagos.jpg The International Court of Justice in The Hague has handed down a momentous judgement that says Britain’s colonial authority over the Chagos Islands is no longer legal. John Pilger, whose 2004 film, Stealing a Nation, alerted much of the world to the plight of the islanders, tells their story.

Published March 2, 2019

25th Anniversary of the murder of Sean McParland

mcparlandfuneral.jpg Sunday 24th February 2019 marks the 25th anniversary of the murder of Sean McParland.

Published February 23, 2019

The Good Friday Agreement is written in sand

emmadesouza.jpg An intrinsic part of the Good Friday Agreement - an agreement that brought peace and stability to the island of Ireland - is quickly disappearing.

Published February 23, 2019

Sir Reginald washes his hands

reginaldweir.jpg More than three and a half years - yes, three and a half years! - after the conclusion of all the evidence in the inquest into the murder of Roseanne Mallon, Sir Reginald Weir sat down in Nisi Prius court in Belfast city centre and declared he could find neither direct nor indirect evidence of collusion between the loyalist killers and any state agency in the case.

Published January 12, 2019


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