[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Agreement Review starts work

The first working sessions of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement review are being chaired by British Direct Ruler Paul Murphy at Stormont.

Published January 9, 2004

DUP must talk

The following comments were made by Sinn Féin Chief Negotiator Martin McGuinness at a party meeting in Belfast.

Published January 9, 2004

Constituency shake-up for 26 County politicians

The Constituency Commission has recommended an increase in the number of constituencies for the Dublin parliament but says that the number of TDs should remain at 166.

Published January 7, 2004

Coroner to see British documents on killings

The British Ministry of Defence has agreed to hand over documents and video footage relating to ten controversial killings in the North to a coroner investigating the cases. However, a `public immunity' order could still be used to suppress embarrassing details emerging into the public domain.

Published January 7, 2004

Councillor threatened following Bushmills attack

The UDA in north Antrim have issued a public threat to Sinn Féin Councillor Oliver McMullan through a local newspaper after he highlighted a sectarian incident in Bushmills.

Published January 7, 2004

The 1973 government papers

Some of the highlights from the annual release of government papers from 1973 under the 30-year-rule.

Published January 7, 2004


A new commission to monitor paramilitary activity in the North of Ireland for the purpose of punishing associated political parties began work today.

Published January 7, 2004

Magistrate backs DUP road-block

The DUP deputy leader Peter Robinson was given an ``absolute discharge'' yesterday despite being convicted of blocking a main road to facilitate a loyalist event on the flashpoint Albertbridge Road in east Belfast.

Published January 7, 2004

Parties set out stalls for GFA review

As government officials and the parties prepare for the review of the Good Friday Agreement, Sinn Féin has warned that the DUP must be shown it is not going to get its way in trying to destroy the accord.

Published January 7, 2004

Bullies and bigots rail against Colombia 3

In a few weeks time in Bogota Judge Acosta will rule on the fate of the `Colombia Three', the Irishmen arrested at an airport in August 2001 and charged with training left-wing FARC guerrillas.

Published January 7, 2004

Ahern sees danger of return to violence

The Irish Prime Minister, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, warned yesterday that restoration of the Belfast Assembly is needed to avoid a return to violence.

Published January 5, 2004

The Politics of Terror


In the current `international war on terrorism' various civil rights and international human rights are being infringed. Such infringements happen in most conventional wars, and national emergencies, and are tolerated in the short-term by populaces as long as the war is perceived as being just, or the curtailments as measured, and they believe their government when it says it had no other choice.

Published January 5, 2004

Donaldson and colleagues formally join DUP

Former Ulster Unionist MP Jeffrey Donaldson today confirmed his defection to Ian Paisley's ultra-hardline DUP.

Published January 5, 2004

Review of Bloody Sunday Inquiry 2003

A month-by-month review of the Bloody Sunday Inquiry by the Troops Out Movement

Published January 5, 2004


Plans for a drastic escalation of the war in 1973, including the shooting of unarmed civilians, have been revealed in secret papers released in London.

Published January 5, 2004

IRA blames British for lack of progress

In its New Year statement, the IRA has said the British government is mainly to blame for the lack of progress in recent months.

Published January 5, 2004

More delay for Colombia 3 after third Christmas in jail

The three Irish men held in Colombia - Niall Connolly, Martin McCauley and Jim Monaghan - have spent their third Christmas in jail after a further delay in their trial verdict.

Published January 5, 2004

UDA warns off Adair supporters

Ousted loyalist leader Johnny Adair has been warned against trying to regain power in the North of Ireland by his former paramilitary associates.

Published January 5, 2004

Reflecting on The Barron Report

The Barron report shows how the politicisation of the Garda Siochana gained momentum in the early 1970s. I watched it happen. I was based in the Monaghan parish between 1971 and 1979. I saw how once friendly Gardaí became cold, silent and hostile to me and more especially to many citizens in Monaghan.

Published December 29, 2003

Dickson jailed in Germany over IRA attack

A former British soldier was jailed for six and a half years in Germany before Christmas for assisting an IRA mortar attack on his old army base.

Published December 29, 2003


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