[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Diplomat accuses British of collusion

A former senior Irish diplomat, Sean Donlon, has told a parliamentary sub-committee in Dublin that be believed there was British security force collusion in the 1974 bombings of Dublin and Monaghan.

Published January 30, 2004

History of the Bogside

Today marks the 32nd anniversary of Bloody Sunday. We publish a history of the area and community which was attacked that day, prepared by the Bloody Sunday Trust.

Published January 30, 2004


Democratic Unionist leader Ian Paisley has held what he has described as a ``very constructive'' meeting with Irish Prime Minister, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern.

Published January 30, 2004

Observers' concern at continuing Colombia trial delay

A delegation of international observers are visiting Colombia to express their concern at the delay in the decision in relation to Niall Connolly, Martin McCauley and James Monaghan. The men have now been in jail for two and a half years. The trial finished in July of last year and there is still no verdict.

Published January 30, 2004

Scottish Bloody Sunday march banned

A Bloody Sunday commemoration march due to take place in Scotland on Saturday has been banned for the second year running after fears of a loyalist attack. The West of Scotland Bands Alliance organises the main Scottish Bloody Sunday commemoration march every year.

Published January 30, 2004

Supreme Court ruling undermines Good Friday Agreement

Two men, Michael O'Neill and John Quinn have lost their appeal to the 26-County Supremem Court appeal against the unexplained denial of their early release under the terms of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.

Published January 30, 2004

UDA using powerful flares as bombs

Unionist paramilitaries are using nautical distress flares as booby-trap devices, the PSNI police has revealed.

Published January 30, 2004

Bloody Sunday testimony draws to a close

A date has been set for the end of the Bloody Sunday Inquiry.

Published January 28, 2004

Saving `Bobby Sands Street'

The following online petition to the President of Iran, launched by Danny Morrison, calls for the Iranian government to ignore British pressure to rename Bobby Sands street in the Iranian capital, Tehran. Bobby Sands was the first of ten men to die in the 1981 hunger strike in defiance of Margaret Thatcher's criminalisation of the armed struggle.

Published January 28, 2004


The 26-County Dublin government has said it is prepared to work with the unionist paramilitary UDA to advance the peace process despite the group's ongoing campaign of violence.

Published January 28, 2004

Human rights groups `a curse' - Trimble

Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble yesterday described the human rights ``industry'' as ``one of the great curses of this world''.

Published January 28, 2004

Hundreds of young men committed suicide in 2003

Suicide is the main cause of death among young men in Ireland according to official statistics.

Published January 28, 2004

PSNI harass republicans

Sinn Féin Assembly member for West Belfast Fra McCann has accused the PSNI police of `engaging in a campaign of harassment against republicans'. Mr McCann's remarks come after homes in New Barnsley and Ballymurphy were raided this morning and one man was arrested.

Published January 28, 2004

Who is going to police the secret armies?

Thankfully, apart from continuing political chaos there is still a postpeace-process good feeling factor in the North.

Published January 28, 2004

Belfast demo against racism

Hundreds of people took to the streets of Belfast yesterday demanding an end to racism.

Published January 28, 2004

Words of Freedom


WAR, wrote Clausewitz, is an extension of politics by other means. And politics is fought in many ways, not least psychologically through the deliberate use and choice of terminology. To surrender to one's opponents their definition of the world is to risk surrendering one's legitimacy.

Published January 26, 2004

British approach to Agreement `tactical' - McGuinness

Sinn Féin's Mid-Ulster MP Martin McGuinness said today that in the five years since the Good Friday Agreement was signed, there had been ``delay, foot dragging and inaction'' in many areas where the British government has direct responsibility.

Published January 26, 2004

Brown family condemn Orde response to report

Thw family of a Gaelic sports official murdered by unionist paramilitaries has accused PSNI police chief Hugh Orde of ignoring a scathing report on the investigation by the Police Ombudsman.

Published January 26, 2004

Rights for all

The following is a Sinn Féin discussion document published today, entitled `Rights for All'.

Published January 26, 2004


Main charges dropped in Stormont `spy ring' case

Prosecutors in the North have dropped their main charges against two Belfast republicans accused of involvement in an alleged IRA ``spy ring'' at Stormont.

Published January 26, 2004


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