[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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UVF blamed for Ballymena bomb

The so-called ‘ceasefire’ by the unionist paramilitary UVF has again been discredited after the group was linked to recent attacks on republicans in Ballymena, County Antrim.

Published June 11, 2004

Call off this sad witchhunt

By Mark Brennock (for the Irish Times)

You could be forgiven for thinking the State itself was under threat. A matter has arisen that is so grave that the Cabinet has now discussed it at least three times in recent weeks. Legislation has been rushed through the Oireachtas. The Taoiseach and Minister for Justice speak with growing solemnity about the situation.

Published June 11, 2004

Blair gets election drubbing

British Prime Minister Tony Blair is facing a bleak future following huge losses in the local elections in England and Wales.

Published June 11, 2004

British cabinet linked to Finucane murder

Judge Peter Cory, who investigated the controversial murder of Pat Finucane, has revealed that documents relating to the conspiracy to kill the Belfast defense lawyer were seen by the British government cabinet.

Published June 11, 2004

Torture photos of Irish Republicans

By Gerry Adams MP (for the Guardian)

News of the ill-treatment of prisoners in Iraq created no great surprise in republican Ireland. We have seen and heard it all before. Some of us have even survived that type of treatment. Suggestions that the brutality in Iraq was meted out by a few miscreants aren’t even seriously entertained here. We have seen and heard all that before as well. But our experience is that, while individuals may bring a particular impact to their work, they do so within interrogative practices authorised by their superiors.

Published June 11, 2004


British Crown forces in the North engaged in widespread harassment and intimidation of voters on Thursday, patrolling around polling stations and photographing voters as they arrived.

Published June 11, 2004

Watching Paint Dry, Or ...

by Danny Morrison

A few weeks ago, just on the eve of the European election campaign, but not, as far as known, in competition with it, satellite channel UKTV announced that it was to stream a new reality show called ‘Watching Paint Dry’ on the internet. Viewers can watch a different kind of paint dry on an empty wall each day and will be able to vote for their favourite paint.

Published June 9, 2004

Bloody Sunday Inquiry hears submissions

Soldiers “probably” were responsible for all of the deaths on Bloody Sunday, their legal representative admitted today.

Published June 9, 2004

Dublin Mayor ignored bombs inquiry

One of the Dublin government’s main prospects for retaining a European Parliament seat has confirmed that he fáiled to pass on information about the Dublin attacks to the recent inquiry into the bombings.

Published June 9, 2004

An agenda for change

By Bairbre de Brun
Sinn Féin candidate for Six County EU election

Is tráthúil an ócáid í seo do Shinn Féin. Tá deis ann anois Feisirí Eorpacha Shinn Féin ar fud an oileáin a thoghadh do Pharlaimint na hEorpa.

Published June 9, 2004


Voting is already underway in the European elections in Ireland, with the governing Fianna Fáil party in the South and the SDLP in the North both facing losses.

Published June 9, 2004

Intimidation in Ballymena

A senior Sinn Féin member, Michael Agnew, has been targeted in a pipe-bomb attack at his home in Ballymena, County Antrim.

Published June 9, 2004

Second republican Mayor of Derry

The Mayoral chain of Derry has been placed on a second Sinn Féin Mayor.

Published June 9, 2004

Review to resume after elections

It has been announced that the formal review of the Good Friday Agreement is to resume next Tuesday in Belfast. The North’s political parties are being invited this week to the talks, which will be attended by British and Irish ministers.

Published June 9, 2004

A blind eye on PSNI incident

Nationalist politicians last night epxressed anger over news that a PSNI police officer who drove an armoured Land Rover at a crowd of Catholics will not be prosecuted.

Published June 4, 2004

Support grows for cross-border ban on smoking

Pressure is growing for an all-Ireland ban on smoking in workplaces following the success of the measure in the 26 Counties.

Published June 4, 2004

‘Free Derry’ Wall repaired

Free Derry Corner, a listed tourist attraction, has been restored by a group of republicans.

Published June 4, 2004

A chance to show generosity

By John Waters

Sometime in the 1990s, when Ireland was at the peak of its football mania, a friend described to me the changed nature of social behaviour some distance away from the pitch.

Published June 4, 2004

DUP appeal on marching season

An appeal for calm at interface areas this summer by unionist leaders has been widely welcomed.

Published June 4, 2004

Patsy O’Hara Commemoration

The following address was given by a leading member of the Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP) Eddie McGarrigle, in Derry last week at the annual commemoration of 1981 hunger strike patriot Pasy O’Hara

Published June 4, 2004


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