[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Happy St. Patrick’s Day

stpatrickskids.jpg In solidarity with all our readers on our national day.

Published March 17, 2022

Donaldson’s role in ‘dirty peace’ no clearer

denisdonaldsonbig2.jpg An official report into the murder of Denis Donaldson, an MI5 informer operating at the highest ranks of Sinn Fein, has not quelled speculation over his killing.

Published March 17, 2022

Support for Irish unity on St Patrick’s Day

mcdonaldny.jpg Unionists will be in short supply at the traditional White House celebrations for St Patrick’s Day after DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson and UUP leader Doug Beattie both pulled out.

Published March 17, 2022

Armed action claimed in County Derry

dungivenjunction.jpg A small republican armed group, Arm na Poblachta, has said it was responsible for an attack on a PSNI patrol in County Derry using an improvised explosive device.

Published March 17, 2022

PSNI target vulnerable young girl

psninewrygirl.jpg There has been an angry reaction in Newry after a 13-year-old girl with mental health needs and a friend were harassed by an “aggressive” police patrol in the centre of the town on Thursday, March 10.

Published March 17, 2022

A change in advertising in west Belfast

dontjoinpsni.jpg Recruitment posters for the British Army cadets which have appeared on Belfast’s Falls Road have been taken down.

Published March 17, 2022

Internees get convictions overturned

sixinternees.jpg Six former internees are to have their convictions for escaping from Long Kesh in the 1970s quashed, the Court of Appeal ruled on Monday.

Published March 17, 2022

Irish neutrality ‘under siege’

kingnorkaiser.jpg Efforts to exploit the invasion of Ukraine to push for an end to Ireland’s military neutrality have been condemned.

Published March 10, 2022

English racists seek to shut Irish border to Ukrainians

ukrainianfamily.jpg The Dublin government has rejected English calls to ‘close the Irish Border’ over its decision to offer asylum to Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion.

Published March 10, 2022

‘Secretive’ extradition opposed

stopextraditions.jpg In response to a demand by British forces in the north of Ireland, a Cork-based republican has been brought before a court for an extradition hearing.

Published March 10, 2022

British Labour selects prominent Scottish Orangeman

dunbar.jpg The British Labour Party in Scotland has been accused of promoting anti-Catholic hate after it named a former Orange Order leader as a local election candidate for the party.

Published March 10, 2022

Brexit seen taking back seat after Russian invasion

trusstank.jpg The war in Ukraine has overwhelmed plans by the British government to trigger a showdown with the European Union, according to reports in the London media.

Published March 10, 2022

New Lodge Six families seek review of investigation delay

newlodgesixmural.jpg British Army killers of six Catholic men in north Belfast may be dead before the case is allocated for a PSNI investigation, the Court of Appeal in Belfast has heard.

Published March 10, 2022

End the Occupations

russianoccupation.jpg In full support of peace and freedom for the people of Ukraine, Irish nationalists and republicans have been leading calls for a reassertion of Ukraine’s national sovereignty and for an end to military expansions across the world.

Published March 3, 2022

New evidence of collusion in journalist’s murder

martinohagan2.jpg The family of murdered Sunday World journalist Martin O’Hagan are to sue the PSNI for withholding information which could have prevented his murder.

Published March 3, 2022

Donohoes targeted for PSNI harassment

donohoes2.jpg Anger has greeted news that Fiona Donohoe has been required to attend a PSNI base for questioning over police claims a walk in support of her family may have breached Covid restrictions.

Published March 3, 2022

Another TD quits Sinn Féin

violetannewynne.jpg A Sinn Féin TD has dramatically quit the party as its organisational crisis once again erupted onto the front pages.

Published March 3, 2022

Support for prisoners over visits protest

bannervisits.jpg Three independent councillors in Derry and Strabane have supported republican prisoners who are campaigning for visiting arrangements introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic to be relaxed.

Published March 3, 2022

Kelly out as Labour stuggles for relevance

alankellyout.jpg Alan Kelly has resigned as leader of the Irish Labour Party following a sudden heave against him by his fellow party TDs. The colleagues who forced him out stood uneasily in the background as the Labour leader made an emotional resignation speech to the media on Wednesday evening.

Published March 3, 2022

Russian invasion condemned

kyivbombed.jpg Irish political leaders have been joining international condemnation of a Russian invasion of neighbouring Ukraine.

Published February 24, 2022


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