[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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It’s impossible to deliver, so let’s move on

In practical terms decommissioning was always a nonsense.

Published December 18, 2004

Act for Justice for Colombian Three

A brief summary of the story of the Colombia 3 followed by an action appeal.

Published December 18, 2004


Three Irishmen who face a 17-year jail sentence in Colombia after a shock judicial reversal are to attempt to overturn the judgement through an international route.

Published December 18, 2004

Intimidation campaign at Catholic schools

The unionist paramilitary UDA has been blamed for planting four hoax bombs at Catholic schools in north Belfast in the last two weeks.

Published December 18, 2004

No Photographs, No Humiliation

(by Danny Morrison, Andersonstown News)

There has been much argument over what was or was not agreed on the issue of IRA decommissioning being photographed.

Published December 15, 2004

British Army fires on vehicle at checkpoint

A British soldier opened fire during an incident at a border checkpoint in south Armagh at the weekend.

Published December 15, 2004

Irish teens turning to drink

Irish teenagers have the highest level of so-called ‘binge drinking’ in Europe, and are almost twice as likely to smoke marijuana or hashish than the European average, new research has revealed.

Published December 15, 2004

Political action alert

The US-based Irish Northern Aid Committee has issued an appeal to contact US envoy Mitchell Reiss.

Published December 15, 2004


DUP talks boycott hinges on second apology

Nationalist confidence in the current talks process dipped this week as the the Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern made a grovelling apology to DUP hardliner Ian Paisley for suggesting unionist demands for photographs of IRA weapons decommissioning could not be met.

Published December 15, 2004

‘Day of Reflection’ may become annual event

Sinn Féin mayors and council chairs held ceremonies to commemorate the dead of all wars last weekend.

Published December 15, 2004

Let’s talk about sin - McGuinness

Sinn Féin’s Martin McGuinness has offered to meet DUP leader Ian Paisley on the issue of ‘sin’ if it helped move the peace process forward.

Published December 15, 2004

Teenagers targeted in sectarian campaign

A young girl has been attacked in a third sectarian attack on young nationalists in north Belfast in as many weeks.

Published December 15, 2004

Whenever, whenever, whenever

By Danny Morrison (for the Andersonstown News)

“If you closed your eyes you would think you were listening to a member of the Democratic Unionist Party. The conspiracy theory was there. The unionist language of IRA/Sinn Féin featured prominently.”

Published December 8, 2004

Controversy continues over Castlerea 4

Garda police in the 26 Counties have called for four Provisional IRA members to be kept in jail regardless of any new peace deal in the North.

Published December 8, 2004

European parliament hears of British collusion

A public hearing in Brussels has looked into British government killings in the North of Ireland.

Published December 8, 2004

The Castlerea Four

(from Coiste)

There are currently four prisoners in Castlerea prison who are serving sentences in relation to the killing of Detective Garda Jerry McCabe in Adare on June 7th 1996.

Published December 8, 2004


The British Prime Minister and Irish Taoiseach are to reveal their proposals for peace in the North of Ireland this afternoon despite the refusal of Ian Paisley’s DUP to back the plan without symbolic photographs of IRA disarmament.

Published December 8, 2004

‘An unprecedented opportunity’ - Adams

The following is the full text of a prepared statement delivered by Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams at a press conference in Belfast yesterday.

Published December 8, 2004

MI5 attempt to recruit informer in Spain

A republican currently living in Spain was approached by MI5 this week in an elaborate operation to get information from him.

Published December 8, 2004

World record bid for spy base

Rosemount Barracks in Derry is the centre of a bid for a world record with the Guinness Book of Records.

Published December 8, 2004


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