Political action alert
Political action alert
The US-based Irish Northern Aid Committee has issued an appeal to contact US envoy Mitchell Reiss.


I. Background

US president George Bush’s special envoy to the Irish peace process, Mitchell Reiss, is a key player in the current talks process.

He will be taking part in multi-party talks outside Belfast this week.

Reiss recently commented after the deal that was put forward by the two governments broke down:

“I of course support the deal that the two (UK and Irish) governments put forward. It’s unfortunate we could not get complete agreement. It’s easy to focus on the negative and on the shortcomings”

He added: “It’s understandable but let’s focus on the big picture there’s been enormous movement, enormous progress forward in the past few months. And if you compare it to where we were last year, it’s really quite remarkable we’ve come this close in just a year’s time.”

II. Talking points

When you contact Reiss, tell him:

1] How much we appreciate his interest and support his efforts!

2] To stick literally to the GFA at all costs.

3] To realize that Republicans are doing all the forward movement, making all the difficult/painful decisions, and all the compromising. LET’S SEE SOME MOVEMENT FROM UNIONISTS FOR A CHANGE TO MAKE A FAIR DEAL.

III. Contact details

Dr. Mitchell Reiss, Director of Policy Planning U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

* Main Switchboard @ Policy Planning [202] 647-5225
* E-mail direct to Dr Reiss: policyplanning@state.gov
* Send a message using State Dept web site: https://contact-us.state.gov. Click on ‘Foreign Policy Opinions,’ ‘Send a Message to the Secretary of State’; ‘Suggestions and Complaints.’

Urgent Appeal

Despite increasing support for Irish freedom and unity, we need your help to overcome British and unionist intransigence. We can end the denial of our rights in relation to Brexit, the Irish language, a border poll and legacy issues, with your support.

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