[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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DUP’s world of fantasy comes crashing down

By Danny Morrison

The fantasy world of the DUP and its voters came crashing down around them in the space of a few days last week. In their delusional world - which became even more heady when the DUP outpolled the Ulster Unionist Party to become the chosen representatives of the unionist people - the DUP are masters of the universe and the UUP “sell-out” would not only end but be reversed.

Published August 11, 2005

Continuity IRA mount bomb attack

Dissident republicans placed a bomb in a hijacked vehicle and told its driver to park it outside a PSNI station on Tuesday.

Published August 11, 2005

Towards Justice

The Washington-based lobbyist Father Sean McManus gave the annual Damian Walsh lecture last week.

Published August 11, 2005


There is increasing evidence that there is no legal basis nor political will to return three victims of a miscarriage of justice to Colombia or to imprison them in Ireland.

Published August 11, 2005

Marchers call for release of republican

A number of Catholic homes were attacked by unionist paramilitaries in Ballymena following a republican march in the town.

Published August 11, 2005

McBride family in US talks

Campaigners for justice in the case of murdered Belfast teenager Peter McBride have met US consul-general Howard Dean Pittman to discuss a U.S. link to the killing

Published August 11, 2005

Councillor targeted in murder bid

A Sinn Féin councillor has escaped injury in a petrol bomb attack on his County Down home.

Published August 11, 2005

Speculation grows over new policing moves

New British legislation, providing for the eventual transfer of policing and justice powers to the Belfast assembly, is expected to be passed in October, according to reports.

Published August 11, 2005

North political momentum must be maintained

By Gerry Adams (for the Irish Times)

On Tuesday, I stood with the residents of Divis Tower in west Belfast, as the British army began dismantling the infamous spy post that has blighted their lives for more than three decades.

Published August 7, 2005

The story of the Colombia 3

A summary of the case, trial, acquittal and conviction on appeal of the Colombia 3.

Published August 7, 2005

Feuding continues as police move in

A shooting in north Belfast which left a man seriously injured has been blamed on the unionist paramilitary feud as police efforts to mount a crackdown have led to serious rioting.

Published August 7, 2005


Joy for Colombia 3 families

Caitriona Ruane, who led the ‘Bring Them Home’ campaign for the Colombia 3, described the moment when the families were reunited as “one of the memories that will remain with me for the rest of my life”.

Published August 7, 2005

Unprecedented lottery win for Limerick woman

Limerick housewife Dolores McNamara has collected the biggest jackpot in European Lottery history, sustaining frenzied tabloid coverage of the extraordinary windfall.

Published August 7, 2005

Shell accused of ‘red herring’

Shell Ireland has announced that it will not lay the offshore section of pipeline for the Corrib gas field until next year after heavy protests by local residents and environmentalists.

Published August 7, 2005

RIRA ruling puts pressure on non-jury system

Calls were made last night for an overhaul of the 26-County justice following a ruliong by the Court of Criminal Appeal in Dublin ruled that the conviction of five men charged with Real IRA membership may be unsafe.

Published August 7, 2005

Sinn Féin seeks to build momentum

Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams has called on both governments and all political parties to build momentum in the peace process following a meeting with Tony Blair.

Published August 7, 2005

Onus is now on both governments

The onus is now on the two governments to implement the outstanding tenets of the Good Friday Agreement and it means they no longer have to kow-tow to the demands of the unionist intransigents.

Published August 3, 2005

Human rights group backs McCord collusion claim

A dossier on a unionist paramilitary murder at the centre of allegations of police collusion in murder has been sent to the United Nations and US Congress.

Published August 3, 2005

Northern MPs to gain Dail speaking rights

Reports indicate that the 26-County Prime Minister, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern will soon grant the North’s 18 elected MPs and three European MEPs the right to address debates in the Dublin parliament and possibly participate in parliamentary committees.

Published August 3, 2005

Mystery of the Miami murders

The question of collusion has continued to dominate the silence since the night the music died in July 1975.

Published August 3, 2005


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