[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Fear of republicanism’s rise

There has been a relentless campaign by the SDLP and political parties in the South to demonise Sinn Féin and undermine its electoral prospects.

Published November 19, 2005

Economic unity underway - Hain

Ian Paisley has called for the resignation of British Direct Ruler Peter Hain after he admitted a single all-Ireland economy was inevitable.

Published November 19, 2005

Mary Lou takes on Bertie

Sinn Féin Chairman and MEP Mary Lou McDonald is set to contest the next 26-County general election in the Taoiseach’s constituency, it has emerged.

Published November 19, 2005

Counting the Cost of Direct Rule

The following is the introduction to the discussion document ‘Counting the cost of Direct Rule and Putting it Right’, which was launched by Sinn Féin in Belfast this week.

Published November 19, 2005

New push in Finucane campaign

The widow of murdered Belfast defence lawyer Pat Finucane is to brief key US politicians following a warning yesterday that the family will use all legal and political means at their disposal to secure a satisfactory inquiry into the murder.

Published November 19, 2005


Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams and a range of party representatives are among over hundreds of republicans whose personal details have been found on a unionist paramilitary death list.

Published November 19, 2005

Under the radar

By Anne Cadwallader (for Daily Ireland)

The drama at Westminster on the 90-day detention-without-charge proposal last week took place in the full glare of publicity with the 24-hour news channels carrying the debate live.

Published November 15, 2005

Fraud Act is an instrument to deny votes

By Jim Gibney (for the Irish News)

As I write, a third of a million eligible voters might not appear on the draft electoral register due to be published on December 1.

Published November 15, 2005

Adams hails Canadian support

The world is witnessing a watershed moment in history with the disarming of the IRA and Canadian officials should be thanked for their role in aiding Ireland’s peace process, Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams said on Saturday.

Published November 15, 2005

Pre-emptive election attacks on Sinn Féin

The 26-County Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has said he would rather concede power than form a coalition government with Sinn Féin, who he described as “agents of poverty and disadvantage”.

Published November 15, 2005

RSF annual conference

Republican Sinn Féin held its centenary annual conference in Dublin at the weekend. The following is an edited version of the speech delivered on Sunday by the party’s President, Ruairi O Bradaigh.

Published November 15, 2005


More than 50 people have been told that their lives are in danger after it emerged that unionist paramilitaries have been given a top-level British Army intelligence dossier on leading republicans.

Published November 15, 2005

Fight predicted over OTR bill

Controversy continues over plans by the Dublin and London governments to deal with outstanding cases from the conflict.

Published November 15, 2005

DUP boycotts talks

Ian Paisley’s Democratic Unionist Party boycotted a talks-about-talks process hosted by the British and Irish governments at Hillsbrorough Castle on Monday.

Published November 15, 2005

Shannon airport controversy grows

A leading Islamic cleric has warned that Ireland could be attacked unless the use of Shannon Airport as a stop-over for US troops is ended.

Published November 11, 2005

Adams defies visa pressure

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams MP spoke by live satellite link up to a packed capacity crowd who were standing and cheering at the Friends of Sinn Féin dinner in New York City last night.

Published November 11, 2005

No amnesty until ministers implicated

Unionist leaders are frauds and hypocrites, attempting to occupy a notional moral high ground.

Published November 11, 2005

Blair loses support of parliament

There were echoes of the final days of Margaret Thatcher in London this week as Tony Blair suffered his first parliamentary defeat.

Published November 11, 2005

Hired US spy ‘not credible’

FBI agent and supergrass David Rupert was “a deeply avaricious man” whose evidence should not have been given credibility in the trial of Real IRA leader Michael McKevitt, appeal judges heard yesterday.

Published November 11, 2005

British carry out Derry bomb blast

Several people were caught up in a “controlled explosion” by the British Army on a hoax device outside a police station in Derry.

Published November 11, 2005


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