[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Process fights back

cowenbrown.jpg 26-County Taoiseach Brian Cowen and British prime minister Gordon Brown declared “early completion” of the devolution of policing and justice powers to the North is achievable despite the turmoil within unionism over the Iris Robinson affair.

Published January 14, 2010

Ireland responds to Haiti devastation

haiti.jpg Irish relief agencies have joined international appeals for donations to help victims of the Haiti earthquake as the country grapples with shocking scenes and a potential six figure death toll.

Published January 14, 2010

Robinson’s future unclear

peterrobinson.jpg Castlereagh Borough Council has confirmed its plans to initiate its own investigation into the Iris Robinson affair.

Published January 14, 2010

Arbitrary detentions illegal, says human rights court

section44.jpg The European Court of Human Rights yesterday [Wednesday] ruled that British police powers to stop and search people without grounds for suspicion are illegal.

Published January 14, 2010

Omagh bomb retrial begins

omaghbomb.jpg The retrial of county Louth man Colm Murphy over the 1998 Omagh bomb has begun at the Special Criminal Court in Dublin.

Published January 14, 2010

Raytheon ships out

raytheon.jpg Raytheon, the controversial international arms manufacturer, is to leave Derry and close its operations plant there, it was announced on Wednesday.

Published January 14, 2010

Scandal overwhelms Stormont

stormontscandal.jpg The Belfast Assembly at Stormont was in disarray today as the DUP leader Peter Robinson stepped down temporarily as First Minister following revelations of an affair between his wife Iris, and a 19-year-old youth.

Published January 11, 2010

PSNI man injured in attack

onh.jpg An armed republican group has claimed responsibility for an attack in which a member of the PSNI police was seriously injured.

Published January 11, 2010

Sinn Fein’s problems in Dublin mount

killianforde.jpg A third Sinn Fein councillor in Dublin has quit the party.

Published January 11, 2010

Adams ‘unaware’ of brother’s activities

liamadams.jpg Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams has said that his brother, Liam, should never have been a member of the party. Liam Adams is wanted by the PSNI over claims that he sexually abused his daughter.

Published January 11, 2010

British helicopter overflights increase

helicopter.jpg Complaints about helicopter overflights in the North of Ireland increased by 46% during the last year, British officials have admitted.

Published January 11, 2010

Fianna Fail ‘afraid’ of banks inquiry

banks.jpg Fianna Fail has been accused of being “afraid” to hold an inquiry into the banking crisis.

Published January 11, 2010

Arlene Foster ‘to step in’ as First Minister

The DUP leader and Six-County First Minister Peter Robinson, battling for his political life following a lurid scandal centring on an extra-marital affair by his wife, has requested that party colleague Arlene Foster temporarily exercise the functions of the office of First Minister.

Published January 11, 2010

Strange family Robinson

peteririsrobinson.jpg An unprecendented scandal has embroiled the DUP leader Peter Robinson, and his wife, Iris, who has admitted having an extra-marital affair with a teenage youth.

Published January 8, 2010

Larger UDA group has ‘fully decommissioned’

udaguns.jpg The mainstream unionist paramilitary UDA has claimed that it has decommissioned all weapons under its control.

Published January 8, 2010

Liam Adams controversy continues

mcguinnessliamadams.jpg Gerry Adams was under fresh pressure this week after a Sunday newspaper claimed his suspected paedophile brother was Sinn Féin’s most senior official in County Louth.

Published January 8, 2010

Details emerge of British torture techniques

waterboarding.jpg Confirmation that the British Army tortured prisoners in Ireland during interrogations in the 1970s is emerging after one of the victims launched an appeal against his conflict-related conviction.

Published January 8, 2010

Activists in battle at Gaza border crossing

gazaconvoyriot.jpg Clashes erupted on the Gaza side of the Egyptian-Gaza border this week as more than 500 activists of the ‘Viva Palestina’ aid convoy on the Egyptian side of the frontier sought entry into the Gaza Strip.

Published January 8, 2010

Sinn Féin frustration at talks without talks

stormontstatue.jpg Talks to resolve the policing and justice dispute between the DUP and Sinn Féin have broken down once again.

Published January 8, 2010

Government frozen in inaction

icyroad.jpg The Dublin government has been accused of being in “disarray” with its poor response to the prolonged winter freeze.

Published January 8, 2010


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