[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Protest march dodges PSNI

lurganprismarch.jpg Hundreds of republicans were prevented from marching through a nationalist area of Lurgan in north Armagh on Sunday by the PSNI but finally got around them in a game of ‘cat and mouse’.

Published July 26, 2010

Fianna Fail marches north

cowencrossmaglen.jpg The 26-County Taoiseach Brian Cowen crossed the border to Crossmaglen, County Armagh on Thursday night for the formal opening of Fianna Fail’s first offices in the Six Counties.

Published July 26, 2010

DUP concern for sectarian killer

duplogo.jpg DUP MPs have backed a sectarian double killer who was sacked after he called for ‘The Sash’ to be played outside a branch of the Asda retail chain store in north Belfast.

Published July 26, 2010

Highway robbery as fat cats help themselves

patientsontrolleys.jpg It was revealed that there are 192 people on trolleys awaiting treatment in hospitals around the 26 Counties this evening as it emerged that the Department of Health ignored legal limits in setting the salary for the new chief executive of the Health Service Executive.

Published July 26, 2010

‘Justice for the Forgotten’ funding is cut

justiceforgotten.jpg The group which represents victims of the conflict in the 26 Counties has said it may be wound down within days because of a lack of funds.

Published July 26, 2010

Returning Irish denied welfare

socialwelfarelogo.jpg Returning Irish emigrants are increasingly being refused vital social welfare payments because of tightening residency requirements.

Published July 26, 2010

Fine Gael takes the soup

brownenvelope.jpg A decision by Ireland’s main opposition party, Fine Gael, to take corporate donations from some of Ireland’s most notorious developers has threatened to re-open splits within the party.

Published July 22, 2010

Loyalist leader backs amnesty

jackiemcdonald.jpg UDA ‘brigadier’ Jackie McDonald has said an all-inclusive amnesty is needed to allow loyalists to tell the truth their actions in the conflict.

Published July 22, 2010

New marching dispute in Ardoyne

abod.jpg Another loyalist group has applied to march through the republican Ardoyne in north Belfast next month despite the unprecendented violence which followed a similar parade through the area earlier this month.

Published July 22, 2010

Asda rehires ‘Sash’-loving killer

asda.jpg There has been outrage over a sectarian incident at a branch of the Asda chain stores in north Belfast after the shop employee in question, a double sectarian killer, was reinstated in his post.

Published July 22, 2010

Adams calls for release of Arnaldo Ortegi

arnaldoortegi.jpg Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams has called on the Spanish Government to release Basque Nationalist Leader Arnaldo Otegi. Mr Adams said that Mr Ortegi’s continued imprisonment made building a peace process in the Basque country more difficult.

Published July 22, 2010

Northern ‘accents’ not a language - Paisley

ulsterscots.jpg The claimed ‘language’ of Ulster-Scots has been jokingly dismissed by a DUP MP as “just bad English”.

Published July 22, 2010

Facing up to change

rioterstorey.jpg A brief verbal exchange between a former IRA leader and a masked youth has dramatised a potential power shift in republican Belfast and across the North, at least at street level.

Published July 19, 2010

Pressure on Orangemen

orangemarch.jpg Calls are mounting for the Orange Order to bring an end to anti-Catholic parades through nationalist neighbourhoods following last week’s riots.

Published July 19, 2010

British truth panel rejected

bradleyeames.jpg The key proposals of the Eames-Bradley group on how to deal with ‘the legacy’ of the conflict in the North of Ireland have provoked a negative reaction, according to the results of a consultation process.

Published July 19, 2010

‘Cheer up’ - Cowen

cowentongue.jpg The 26-County Taoiseach has railed against “negativity” as Ireland’s sovereign debt was judged to be at an increased risk of default by international credit agency Moody’s.

Published July 19, 2010

Shell protestor vows to continue struggle

patodonnell.jpg Mayo fisherman Pat O’Donnell has vowed to continue his opposition to the Corrib gas project on health, safety and environmental grounds, following his release from prison at the weekend.

Published July 19, 2010

Flotilla survivors plan fresh Gaza shipment

corriefreedomflotilla.jpg The Irish-owned MV Rachel Corrie may sail from the southern Israeli port of Ashdod within weeks after Irish activists who last month attempted to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza onboard the vessel were told it was ready to be released.

Published July 19, 2010

Ardoyne - the new Drumcree?

psniattackardoyne.jpg Some of the worst rioting in years has left scores injured in Belfast after a sectarian parade by the Protestant Orange Order was forced through three nationalist areas in the north of the city on Monday.

Published July 16, 2010

The war on the streets

tricolourriot.jpg A round-up of the violence which broke oiut around the Six Counties following the PSNI attack on the Ardoyne protest.

Published July 16, 2010


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