[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Positive result in mock border poll

unitedirelandyoudecide.jpg A mock Referendum on Irish Unity was held in the South Armagh village of Crossmaglen and the neighbouring Creggan Upper community in County Louth this week, the culmination of a three week campaign in the area.

Published May 31, 2013

Family of Marian Price confirms release

pricehappy.jpg Republican political activist Marian Price has been released after more than two years of internment without trial, her family has confirmed.

Published May 30, 2013

Marian Price to be released from custody

marianpricebig2b.jpg Republican political activist Marian Price is to be released after more than two years of internment without trial.

Published May 30, 2013

‘Bad faith’ highlighted by new arrest

johndowneytoobig.jpg Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams has accused the British government of breaching commitments given during peace talks over a decade ago following the arrest of leading Donegal Sinn Fein member John Downey.

Published May 24, 2013

Marching fears high despite Cardiff talks

georgehamilton.jpg Representatives of a number of nationalist residents groups have criticised closed-door talks in Wales between the PSNI police and a selection of ‘community delegates’ in advance of the main Protestant marching season.

Published May 24, 2013

Hopes for progress on prison dispute

paulinemccabe.jpg A report by Prisoner Ombudsman Pauline McCabe could finally pave the way for a resolution of the dispute at Maghaberry jail.

Published May 24, 2013

Census figures highlight plight of northern Catholics

povertybelfast.jpg Catholics in the north of Ireland are in poorer health, are more likely to be unemployed and live in more crowded households compared to Protestants, latest census figures show.

Published May 24, 2013

BBC labels Sinn Fein Minister as IRA representative

bbcsfira.jpg The BBC has been forced to apologise for a sinister incident that saw a Sinn Fein spokesperson labelled as a representative of “Sinn Fein IRA” while Ian Paisley Jr, son of infamous unionist hardliner Ian Paisley, labelled as ‘DUP Goodies’.

Published May 24, 2013

G8 security operation ‘designed to intimidate’

g8fence.jpg Work is underway to erect a massive security fence to keep political activists far away from a summit of the world’s most powerful leaders in County Fermanagh.

Published May 24, 2013

‘High level’ collusion admitted

cameronfinucane.jpg Senior British government officials permitted a campaign of state-backed killings by unionist paramilitaries and the RUC (now PSNI) police to be conducted at the height of the conflict, a senior security adviser for the British government has finally admitted.

Published May 17, 2013

Catholic teen and friends attacked in south Belfast

beating.jpg A loyalist mob carried out a savage sectarian attack on a Catholic teenager, her Protestant friend and her friend’s sister in a south Belfast ‘Rangers supporters club’, it has emerged.

Published May 17, 2013

Garda scandal rumbles on as Minister ‘names and shames’ TD

alanshatterbig.jpg A row over the cancellation of thousands of motoring offences continues unabated in the 26 Counties, despite the report of an internal Garda police investigation which cleared the force of corruption.

Published May 17, 2013

PSNI ‘attacking families’, shots fired

psnihouses.jpg The PSNI have been accused of using excessive violence against whole families, including young children, amid increased concerns over heavy-handed policing in republican areas.

Published May 17, 2013

McKevitt appeal decision ‘another injustice’

mckevittbig.jpg The Republican Network for Unity has condemned the decision of a court in Dublin not to allow an appeal by Michael McKevitt to proceed, describing the case as a miscarriage of justice.

Published May 17, 2013

Bus strike ends as unions win concessions

buseireannstrike.jpg The threat of serious industrial unrest in the 26 Counties has receded following progress in public service pay talks and a separate deal to end a two-day stoppage early last weekend at the state-funded bus company, Bus Eireann.

Published May 17, 2013

Bus Éireann crippled by industrial action

parkedbuses.jpg Workers at the state-owned bus company have called a nationwide industrial action which has severely reduced public transport services across the 26 Counties.

Published May 12, 2013

Mini-Twelfth ‘madness’

drumcreeorangebig.jpg A decision to allow the anti-Catholic Orange Order to gather in a public park surrounded by Catholic homes in Portadown has been described as ‘an act of unionist political madness’ by the Garvaghy Road Residents Coalition (GRRC).

Published May 10, 2013

IRA leaders divided on armed struggle, say Thatcher memos

adamsmorrison1981.jpg The British government was aware before the 1981 hunger strike that some senior Provisional IRA figures were privately opposed to the use of physical force, according to secret documents found in the papers of Margaret Thatcher.

Published May 10, 2013

Fears for prisoner ‘under terrible pressure to inform’

garymcdaid.jpg The mother of a remand prisoner has said she fears for his mental health after attempts were made to recruit him as an informer while under 24-hour lock-up behind bars.

Published May 10, 2013

Prosecutors condemned after retrial acquittal

shiverscleared.jpg Brian Shivers has been fully vindicated after the terminally ill Magherafelt man walked out of Belfast Crown Court last Friday, his lawyer said this week.

Published May 10, 2013


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