[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Unionism in ‘identity crisis’ as violence expands

ballyclaremob.jpg The leaders of the two main unionist parties held urgent meetings on the unionist identity tonight following a week of violence and disorder in the North of Ireland.

Published December 10, 2012

Unionist intimidation and violence continue

maskedloyalistsmarch.jpg Trouble has broken out again in Belfast this evening after more than a thousand loyalists, including a number of masked paramilitaries, marched to the city centre to demand the Union Jack flag be reinstated year-round atop Belfast City Hall.

Published December 8, 2012

Bigots turn against Alliance

allianceburned.jpg A wave of unionist violence and intimidation has followed a vote in the Belfast City Council on Monday to sharply reduce the number of days the British Union Jack flag flies over the City Hall.

Published December 7, 2012

Unionists seeking flags ‘revenge’

loyalistriotbig2.jpg Unionist politicians are to try to turn the tables after a vote to reduce the flying of the British Union Jack flag above Belfast City Hall -- with a motion that the ‘Butcher’s Apron’ flies 365 days a year above Stormont, the seat of the Six County Assembly.

Published December 7, 2012

Politics behind decision to charge éirígí activist

stephenmurneybig.jpg The PSNI has been accused of “a crude attempt at political censorship” after Newry-based eirigi representative Stephen Murney was remanded without bail on charges that he had information “likely to be of use to terrorists”.

Published December 7, 2012

Carers’ nightmare after cruel coalition budget

austerityoldguynotdying.jpg The inequity and sheer viciousness of the Dublin government’s Budget for 2013 has come as a shock to the Irish public.

Published December 7, 2012

Emergency heart procedure for Gerry McGeough

gerymcgeoughfamilybig.jpg Fears over the health of jailed former Sinn Fein Ard Chomhairle member Gerry McGeough have grown after he was removed for emergency heart treatment last week.

Published December 7, 2012

Unionists urged to attend Irish constitutional convention

gerryglasses.jpg Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams has urged unionists to reconsider an invitation to join the 26-County constitutional convention.

Published December 7, 2012

Horrific Budget for poor, elderly, students, workers

noonanbudget13.jpg There were scuffles this evening between protestors and 26-County Garda police at the Dublin parliament following arguably the harshest budget in living memory.

Published December 5, 2012

Loyalists slash guard, storm City Hall over Belfast flag vote

loyalistscityhall.jpg A loyalist mob which had gathered outside Belfast City Hall this evening erupted into violence following a vote to limit the days on which the British Union Jack flag flies above the building.

Published December 3, 2012

éirígí under attack

leesonmurney.jpg Republican socialist group éirigí is being subjected to a concerted smear campaign following the arrest of one of its members this week.

Published November 30, 2012

Hopes increase for Maghaberry resolution

cabhaircogus.jpg The remaining block of republican prisoners have ended their protest in Maghaberry prison after getting what they say was a “goodwill gesture” from Six-County justice minister David Ford.

Published November 30, 2012

15,000 march in pre-Budget demonstration

dctumarch.jpg The Dublin government’s fiscal ‘kite flying’ season is well and truly underway ahead of next month’s annual 26-County Budget announcement.

Published November 30, 2012

‘End impunity’ for Bloody Sunday killings

bloodysundaymarch2012.jpg A number of relatives of those murdered by British paratroopers on Bloody Sunday say they will continue to march until those responsible for the 1972 massacre are held to account.

Published November 30, 2012

Price family condemns Parole Commissioners delay

mcglincheyfamily.jpg The family of Marian Price has said it is “appalled” at what it says are deliberate delays by the Parole Commission in reviewing her case.

Published November 30, 2012

No protest against small loyalist march

abodlundy.jpg Nationalist residents have asked the Apprentice Boys why they intend to hold a parade past St Patrick’s Church in Belfast involving just 25 people.

Published November 30, 2012

CIRA prisoners suspend Maghaberry protest

rsfprotestmaghaberry.jpg A statement was issued today by republican prisoners aligned to the Continuity IRA on Roe 3 in Maghaberry jail, suspending their protests at the County Antrim jail from Monday.

Published November 25, 2012

A prisoner initiative

maghaberrybig.jpg A decision by a group of 22 prisoners on Maghaberry’s Roe 4 landing to call off their ‘dirty’ [no-wash] protest to facilitate talks on a solution to the prison crisis has been welcomed by politicians in the North.

Published November 23, 2012

Inquiry fiasco adds to Savita controversy

praveen.jpg The Dublin government has been forced to organise a second inquiry into the death of a pregnant woman at University College Hospital Galway (UCHG) after it drew international condemnation for the profoundly incompetent manner in which it constituted the first.

Published November 23, 2012

Global power-brokers to get Irish ‘welcome’

g8summit.jpg An announcement by British Prime Minister, David Cameron, that a G8 summit of the leaders of world powers will be held in June next year in County Fermanagh has seen contrasting responses from Irish republicans.

Published November 23, 2012


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