[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Death of a Republican legend

ruairiobradaigh4.jpg Ruairi O Bradaigh was “a towering figure” of Irish republicanism who came to embody the “very essence” of the Republican tradition, his successor as leader of Republican Sinn Fein, Des Dalton, has said.

Published June 7, 2013

Increased links between Sinn Fein and PSNI

mcguinnessbaggott.jpg PSNI Chief Matt Baggott has attended a Sinn Fein event for the first time this [Friday] afternoon, marking a new level of co-operation between the main nationalist party in the North and the British Crown police.

Published June 7, 2013

Former prisoners blocked from Stormont posts

traversallister.jpg A new law stopping many former PoWs from becoming ‘special advisers’ at Stormont is expected to be in place within weeks, after the nationalist SDLP failed to oppose it.

Published June 7, 2013

Dublin government presses ahead with Seanad abolition

seanadbig.jpg The partners in the Dublin coalition government, Fine Gael and Labour, are said to have “diverged sharply” in their attitude to the confirmation this week that a referendum is to be held to scrap the upper chamber of the Dublin parliament.

Published June 7, 2013

‘21st century’ unionists launch new party

ni21.jpg A new unionist party has styled itself as the ‘Northern Ireland party for the 21st century’.

Published June 7, 2013

London bar forced to abandon ‘Bloody Sundae’ cocktail

bloodysundae.jpg A ‘Sundae Bloody Sundae’ cocktail has been removed from a bar menu in London after provoking outrage among relatives of those killed.

Published June 7, 2013

Former Sinn Féin president Ruairí Ó Brádaigh dies

ruairiobradaighbig.jpg Former Sinn Féin president Ruairí Ó Brádaigh has died in hospital in Roscommon this afternoon, aged 80.

Published June 5, 2013

Marian is home

marianpricesepia.jpg The release of Irish prisoner of conscience Marian Price is being celebrated as a significant victory for justice campaigners and a key step in securing the freedom of other prisoners currently interned in the north of Ireland.

Published May 31, 2013

‘Mickey Bo’ killers’ sentences reduced

mickybobig.jpg Two sectarian thugs who admitted their part in the murder of Ballymena Catholic schoolboy Michael McIlveen can expect to be free in two to four years after their retrial ended in a further reduction of their sentences.

Published May 31, 2013

PSNI maintain harassment despite judgements

murneystopandsearch.jpg Unabated police harassment of republican activists last week has increased the controversy over the PSNI’s abuse of ‘stop and search’ legislation.

Published May 31, 2013

Order cancels parade following legal action

orangeorderbig.jpg The Orange Order has backed down from plans to stage a ‘prayer event’ and an associated march in a park adjacent to the nationalist Garvaghy Road in Portadown.

Published May 31, 2013

Loyalists linked to racist attacks, intimidation

racistattack.jpg A mother and her 14-month-old daughter have escaped injury following a racist bomb attack on their home in south Belfast.

Published May 31, 2013

Positive result in mock border poll

unitedirelandyoudecide.jpg A mock Referendum on Irish Unity was held in the South Armagh village of Crossmaglen and the neighbouring Creggan Upper community in County Louth this week, the culmination of a three week campaign in the area.

Published May 31, 2013

Family of Marian Price confirms release

pricehappy.jpg Republican political activist Marian Price has been released after more than two years of internment without trial, her family has confirmed.

Published May 30, 2013

Marian Price to be released from custody

marianpricebig2b.jpg Republican political activist Marian Price is to be released after more than two years of internment without trial.

Published May 30, 2013

‘Bad faith’ highlighted by new arrest

johndowneytoobig.jpg Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams has accused the British government of breaching commitments given during peace talks over a decade ago following the arrest of leading Donegal Sinn Fein member John Downey.

Published May 24, 2013

Marching fears high despite Cardiff talks

georgehamilton.jpg Representatives of a number of nationalist residents groups have criticised closed-door talks in Wales between the PSNI police and a selection of ‘community delegates’ in advance of the main Protestant marching season.

Published May 24, 2013

Hopes for progress on prison dispute

paulinemccabe.jpg A report by Prisoner Ombudsman Pauline McCabe could finally pave the way for a resolution of the dispute at Maghaberry jail.

Published May 24, 2013

Census figures highlight plight of northern Catholics

povertybelfast.jpg Catholics in the north of Ireland are in poorer health, are more likely to be unemployed and live in more crowded households compared to Protestants, latest census figures show.

Published May 24, 2013

BBC labels Sinn Fein Minister as IRA representative

bbcsfira.jpg The BBC has been forced to apologise for a sinister incident that saw a Sinn Fein spokesperson labelled as a representative of “Sinn Fein IRA” while Ian Paisley Jr, son of infamous unionist hardliner Ian Paisley, labelled as ‘DUP Goodies’.

Published May 24, 2013


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