[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Anglo fraudsters exposed

anglobankers.jpg Telephone conversations recorded five years ago between top bankers at Anglo Irish Bank at the heart of the bank’s collapse have enraged the Irish public and confirmed that a culture of delinquency and deception lay behind its failure and nationalisation by the 26-County state.

Published June 28, 2013

New group emerges from Carrick Hill chaos

gerrykellyPSNI.jpg A new umbrella group has been set up to represent nationalist residents’ groups. The ‘Communities Against Sectarian Parades’ (CASP) group was set up last week to oppose coat-trailing loyalist marches in north, west and east Belfast, as well as in Derry, Rasharkin and Newtownbutler.

Published June 28, 2013

Diplock verdict overturned

livingstones.jpg West Belfast man Patrick Livingstone, jailed by a non-jury court on the word of the RUC nearly 40 years ago, has had his life prison sentence overturned.

Published June 28, 2013

Short Strand hit by peace line attacks

petrolbombs.jpg The nationalist Short Strand in east Belfast has come under repeated petrol bomb attack, with three attacks in the space of a week.

Published June 28, 2013

O Cuiv talks lead to PSNI raid

eamonocuivbig.jpg The home of a Derry community worker was raided by the PSNI last Saturday, less than 24 hours after she had met with Galway TD Eamon O Cuiv to highlight her concerns about police raids in the area.

Published June 28, 2013

Labour in crisis

colmkeaveney.jpg The chairman of the Irish Labour Party, Colm Keaveney, has quit as the party continues to experience a major internal bust-up and a decline in support over its political direction.

Published June 28, 2013

Sinn Féin Minister injured in parade tensions

kellylandrover.jpg Sinn Fein’s Six-County Minister for Culture Caral Ni Chuilin had to attend hospital tonight after becoming involved in a bizarre incident involving the party’s policing spokesperson, Gerry Kelly, and a PSNI police Land Rover.

Published June 22, 2013

G8 shame - and pride

g8puppets.jpg The sycophantic feting of the world’s most powerful leaders in the British-occupied north of Ireland this week has disgraced politicians in both parts of the island.

Published June 21, 2013

Child survives loyalist fire-bomb

petrolbombroad.jpg As David Cameron told the world that British-occupied Ireland was a “transformed place”, a four-year-old Catholic child almost burned alive in a sectarian petrol bomb attack.

Published June 21, 2013

Protests against provocative ‘Tour of the North’

tourofthenorth2013.jpg Tonight’s ‘Tour of the North’ parade passes a number of nationalist communities in north Belfast, and is one of the most contentious parades of the anti-Catholic Orange Order’s marching season.

Published June 21, 2013

British lies on display in Bloody Sunday makeover

mikejacksonparaold.jpg A new video installation in Derry has been criticised as an attempt to rewrite the history of the 1972 Bloody Sunday massacre.

Published June 21, 2013

Shell campaigner on hunger strike

liamheffernan.jpg Campaigners against the construction of a Shell gas pipeline at Rossport in County Mayo say one of their fellow campaigners is on a hunger strike over his arrest.

Published June 21, 2013

PSNI claims are ‘nonsense on stilts’, tribunal hears

breenbuchanan.jpg Attempts by the PSNI in the north of Ireland to derail a collusion inquiry in Dublin have been condemned in the strongest terms by lawyers for the chief of the Gardai police in the south.

Published June 21, 2013

Obama urges peace, reconciliation ahead of G8

obamasbelfast.jpg US President Barack Obama has urged schoolchildren and politicians in the North to work towards a more lasting peace and an end to sectarian divisions.

Published June 17, 2013

Oppressive G8 policing underway

g8protestlondon.jpg A member of eirigi has become the first person to be arrested ahead of a giant security clampdown on political protests in advance of the G8 summit in the Irish border county of Fermanagh gets under way within the next few days.

Published June 14, 2013

Garda thuggery at funeral of dedicated revolutionary

gardaifuneral.jpg There has been widespread condemnation of the intimidatory and deeply provocative behaviour of 26-County police at the funeral of former Sinn Fein President Ruairi O Bradaigh last Saturday.

Published June 14, 2013

British always knew rubber bullets were lethal

emmagrovesrubberbullet.jpg The use of rubber bullets in the North of Ireland was sanctioned by the British government despite its own tests showing they were potentially lethal, new documents have revealed.

Published June 14, 2013

Para flags raised but Bloody Sunday insult dismissed

paraflagsderry.jpg Inflammatory flags displaying the winged insignia of the British Army’s murderous Parachute Regiment have appeared at several flashpoints in Belfast and Derry.

Published June 14, 2013

‘Pro-life dissident’ faces Sinn Féin Dáil expulsion

peadartoibin.jpg Meath West TD Peadar Tóibín has said he will vote against new abortion legislation when it comes before parliament next week, making it likely he will be expelled from Sinn Fein’s parliamentary party.

Published June 14, 2013

Oration at the grave of Ruairí O Brádaigh

daltonoration.jpg The oration by Des Dalton, President, Republican Sinn Féin at the grave of Patron Ruairí O Brádaigh, St Coman’s Cemetery, Roscommon.

Published June 14, 2013


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