[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Stormont in new crisis after talks deal collapses

mcguinnessrattledrobinson.jpg In a dramatic turnaround, Sinn Fein has said it will seek to block the welfare bill, a key element of the Stormont House Agreement, after accusing the DUP of acting in bad faith on the issue.

Published March 9, 2015

Leader’s speech by Gerry Adams at Sinn Fein Ard Fheis 2015

gerrysfaf2015.jpg The Presidential address by Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams at his party's annual conference in Derry this weekend.

Published March 7, 2015

‘Taoiseach or bust’

sfaf2015.jpg Sinn Fein has categorically ruled out joining a coalition government in Dublin as junior partner after elections due early next year. The party is holding its Ard Fheis (annual conference) in Derry this weekend.

Published March 7, 2015

Catholics quitting the PSNI

psnilandroverbig.jpg Catholics are leaving the PSNI police in numbers and fewer are applying to join, new figures have shown.

Published March 7, 2015

Tensions rising at Portlaoise prison

portlaoiseflag.jpg A statement by republican prisoners at Portlaoise jail in the Irish midlands has warned of a deteriorating situation there.

Published March 7, 2015

Raymond McCreesh park issue ‘resolved’

raymondmccreeshpark.jpg A play park in Newry has been held up by unionists as a symbol of ‘Sinn Fein intransigence’ after the party blocked a new attempt to change its name.

Published March 7, 2015

Wealthy mount blockade against property repossession

gorsehill.jpg A media circus in south county Dublin has highlighted the efforts of Ireland’s super-rich to defy legal moves to seize their assets.

Published March 7, 2015

‘Language strike’ and petition against EU treatment of Irish

liadhniriadamor.jpg A Sinn Fein member of the European Parliament is refusing to speak any language other than her native Gaelic, in protest at the European Union’s failure to fulfil its designation of Irish as a full official language of the EU.

Published March 7, 2015

‘Criminals’ and ‘touts’ in south Armagh

frankmccabejr.jpg Sinn Fein has warned that a lack of confidence in the PSNI police is encouraging illegal activity in border areas.

Published February 28, 2015

Father seeks to end the silence on Scappaticci

scappaticciold.jpg A father of a man allegedly murdered by notorious British Crown informer and double agent, Freddie Scappaticci, is behind a new effort to bring the state to book for Scappaticci’s secret crimes.

Published February 28, 2015

Report warns against displays of Irishness

patricksdaycrowd.jpg A St Patrick’s Day parade in Scotland is facing cancellation because it could be attacked by loyalists, according to reports this week.

Published February 28, 2015

Cut-to-the-bone coalition demonises opposition

alankellylabour.jpg The Dublin government has attempted to turn the tables on its left-wing opponents this week with efforts to portray them as “dangerous” and “anti-democratic”.

Published February 28, 2015

Tempers rising at Stormont

mcdonnellmcguinness.jpg Six-County officials are understood to have witnessed a blazing row between the leaders of the two main nationalist parties over new welfare cuts.

Published February 28, 2015

Govt ‘apologising’ for independence, ‘celebrating’ partition

charlieflanagan.jpg The Dublin government stands accused of planning to celebrate the partition of Ireland, following comments made by Fine Gael’s controversial Foreign Minister Charlie Flanagan at his party’s annual conference last weekend.

Published February 28, 2015

Jailed activists on hunger strike

activistsbankers.jpg Anti-austerity activists have embarked on a hunger strike in protest at their incarceration at Wheatfield prison in Dublin, and are now also threatening to refuse fluids.

Published February 21, 2015

Kincora victim’s first step

garyhoy.jpg An abuse victim is hopeful after winning the first stage in a battle to have a Westminster parliamentary inquiry look into allegations that senior unionist politicians, businessmen and high-level British state agents connived in a paedophile ring at the notorious Kincora care home in Belfast.

Published February 21, 2015

More protests as activists are jailed

freethefiveprotest.jpg The jailing of five anti-austerity protestors has marked a further escalation in the 26 County government’s crackdown on political demonstrations against the water tax.

Published February 21, 2015

Bomb alerts in Derry and Belfast

currynierinalert.jpg An area around Currynieirin in Derry was closed off for two days this week while an object reported as a “mortar-like device” was recovered. A telephone caller to a local newspaper said an explosive device had been left on a laneway by “the republican movement”.

Published February 21, 2015

Irish society polarised as never before

livinginacar.jpg New research has shown the 26 County state is now the most unequal country in the European Union for the distribution of income, and one of the worst in the western world for health inequality.

Published February 21, 2015

‘Psychological torture’ of MI5 approach

seandillon.jpg A former republican prisoner has said he fears he is being set up by British security forces after he was detained by MI5 at an Italian airport.

Published February 21, 2015


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