[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Britain to rewrite talks deal with amnesty for killer soldiers

sfdowningst.jpg Gerry Adams has described as “an act of bad faith” a move by the British government to add a new section about an amnesty for British crown forces onto a bill for the implementation of the 2014 Stormont House Agreement.

Published November 25, 2017

Saoradh activists targeted at party conference

saoradhaf17.jpg A stop-and-search operation by the PSNI targeted dozens of republican activists attending the Saoradh Ard Fheis in Derry last weekend.

Published November 25, 2017

Taylor apologises for referring to Varadkar as ‘the Indian’

johntaylor600.jpg Former Ulster Unionist Party Deputy Leader John Taylor, now styling himself ‘Lord Kilclooney’, has been forced to issue an apology after referring to Taoiseach Leo Varadkar as “the Indian”.

Published November 25, 2017

Govt pact over as Fianna Fail say no confidence in Minister

francesfitzgerald600.jpg The latest embarrassing revelation of attempts to silence a police corruption whistleblower has escalated dramatically tonight with apparent confirmation that a deal underpinning the minority 26 County government is at an end.

Published November 23, 2017

Upheaval for Sinn Fein as Adams announces retirement

adamsferris.jpg It was an emotional night for Sinn Fein supporters in the RDS last night as Gerry Adams confirmed he was making his last Presidential Address after more than 30 years at the head of the organisation.

Published November 19, 2017

Gerry Adams to step down as Sinn Fein leader

adamsquits.jpg Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams tonight confirmed he will stand aside as leader of the party next year, and gave credit to other members of the leadership who have stepped aside or are in the process of doing so.

Published November 18, 2017

45 years for the truth

francisrowntree600.jpg Rulings that the murder of 11-year-old British Army victim Francis Rowntree was ‘not justified’ and that the rubber bullets fired at him were lethal have been widely welcomed, although 45 years late and following the recent death of his mother.

Published November 18, 2017

Sinn Fein clear way to enter Dublin govt as junior party

sfaf17.jpg The prospect of a Sinn Fein Tanaiste serving under a Fine Gael or Fianna Fail Taoiseach is closer today after a controversial vote at Sinn Fein’s annual conference in Dublin this weekend.

Published November 18, 2017

Decision time for Tories on Irish border

sunheadline.jpg Hard-right Tories and British tabloids have expressed fury after the EU and the Dublin government both insisted on a British commitment that there will be no ‘hard border’ -- physical installations or patrols -- following Britain’s departure from the EU.

Published November 18, 2017

Unexpected encounter provokes violent prison assault

maghaberry600.jpg Republican prisoners in the north of Ireland have hit out at the brutality they are routinely being subjected to, after three of their number at Maghaberry were assaulted by warders during a remand hearing.

Published November 18, 2017

‘Walter Mitty’ administration in denial about homeless crisis

homeless.jpg Comments this week by the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and others in the Dublin government have sparked outrage among homeless charities and housing campaigners.

Published November 18, 2017

Rock star rocked back by Sinn Fein Mayor

geldofmacdonncha.jpg Former rock star and TV celebrity Bob Geldof has been accused of hypocrisy after returning his freedom of the city of Dublin in protest at disgraced Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi holding the same honour, while he retains the title of Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

Published November 18, 2017

Direct Rule budget passes through Westminster

sfpressconf.jpg Sinn Fein has said talks with unionists to restore the Six County Executive are over after it was confirmed today that the British government is pushing a ‘Northern Ireland’ budget bill through all stages of the Westminster parliament, a key step towards the return of full Direct Rule of the north of Ireland from London.

Published November 13, 2017

RSF figure ordered held without trial

gabrielmackle.jpg A prominent Armagh republican, Gabriel Mackle, has been interned on the orders of the British Direct Ruler James Brokenshire.

Published November 11, 2017

Direct Rule budget ‘not the end’ for Stormont - May

sfmay.jpg The British Prime Minister has spoken separately to the Sinn Fein and DUP leaderships to insist that hope remains for a talks deal to retain the Stormont Assembly.

Published November 11, 2017

PSNI ‘compelled’ to produce collusion report

glenannevict.jpg The PSNI is being ordered by a High Court judge to finalise and publish an all-encompassing report into suspected British state collusion with a loyalist unit behind more than 100 murders.

Published November 11, 2017

Intimidation rising, figures show

feniansout.jpg Hundreds of people are being forced from their homes every year by loyalist paramilitaries, according to figures released this week.

Published November 11, 2017

Call for new inquest into murder of John Copeland

johncopeland.jpg Senior republican Eddie Copeland has asked for a new inquest into the death of his father.

Published November 11, 2017

The forgotten victim of Enniskillen

adamlambert.jpg The 30th anniversary of the Enniskillen bombing was widely commemorated this week in Ireland and Britain, but Adam Lambert, a young Protestant killed instead of a Catholic in a reprisal attack, was largely forgotten.

Published November 11, 2017

An end to the Good Friday Agreement?

stormont1117.jpg An attempt to inject urgency into the Stormont talks process this week failed to resolve a stand-off over the Democratic Unionist Party’s refusal to implement past agreements on equality and respect for nationalists, leading to speculation that the process has reached an endpoint.

Published November 4, 2017


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