[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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PSNI quiet as republicans bicker

carfirework.jpg The PSNI police have so far refused to say who they believe was responsible for a firework thrown at the home of Gerry Adams last weekend.

Published July 21, 2018

Special needs school wrecked

vincents.jpg A Catholic-maintained school for special needs pupils has been badly damaged in a sectarian hate crime in east Belfast.

Published July 21, 2018

Disgraced Paisley faces recall push

paisleylankasob.jpg A petition is set to be collected to recall north Antrim MP Ian Paisley following a finding by the Westminster parliament that he improperly accepted holidays from the government of Sri Lanka valued in excess of 100,000 pounds.

Published July 21, 2018

Sinn Fein to run for Aras

michaeld.jpg Sinn Fein is to challenge Michael D Higgins in the upcoming Irish presidential election but has yet to name a candidate for the vote, which is expected to take place in November.

Published July 21, 2018

PSNI raids follow peace rally

sfpeacerally.jpg The homes of republican youths in Derry are currently the focus of a PSNI crackdown following several nights of clashes around a major sectarian parade through the city centre.

Published July 14, 2018

Adams urges attackers to step forward

gerryadamscar.jpg There have been calls for calm after two devices were thrown at the homes of former Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams and prominent republican Bobby Storey in Belfast overnight.

Published July 14, 2018

DUP met UVF over bonfires

uvfbonfire.jpg A meeting which took place between the DUP and the unionist paramilitary UVF in the early hours of Wednesday failed to convince the loyalist armed group to lower a giant bonfire, it has emerged.

Published July 14, 2018

Glasgow set to act against sectarian parades

glasgowmarch.jpg A hate attack on a Catholic priest by supporters of an Orange Order parade in Glasgow has caused a major backlash and a call for a blanket ban on the openly sectarian organisation in the city.

Published July 14, 2018

Random MI5 recruitment bid lands man in hospital

johncuddy.jpg A County Tyrone man has described how he was hospitalised after MI5 and PSNI tried to recruit him as an informer.

Published July 14, 2018

Historic vote against Palestinian occupation

seanadvoteisrael.jpg Irish senators on Wednesday passed a bill to ban the import of goods from Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

Published July 14, 2018

Plastic bullets fired as Derry riots escalate

derryriot1807.jpg A sectarian parade through the centre of Derry provoked heavy rioting in the city last night as youths threw petrol bombs and the PSNI responded with potentially lethal plastic bullets.

Published July 13, 2018

Wave of bonfire violence in UVF backlash

bonfires1807.jpg The north of Ireland saw some of the worse violence in recent years as unionist paramilitaries hit back at a first step by authorities against their towering and toxic ‘Eleventh Night’ bonfires.

Published July 12, 2018

Clashes continue in the Bogside

vanfire.jpg Disturbances involving nationalist youths in the Bogside area of Derry has seen another night of trouble as appeals from a wide spectrum of politicians fell on deaf ears.

Published July 10, 2018

May under threat as top Tories quit over Brexit

johnsondavis.jpg Boris Johnson has resigned as British Foreign Secretary, following the departure earlier today of Brexit Minister David Davis, amid a growing crisis within the Conservative Party over London’s Brexit strategy.

Published July 9, 2018

Savagery of bonfire thugs


A Catholic man was dragged from his car and severely beaten in broad daylight in a rabid attack by loyalist thugs enraged by the failure of their bonfire nearby. It is believed the victim was attacked randomly and was only identified as Catholic by the football jersey he was wearing.

Published July 7, 2018

Nationalists hemmed in for sectarian march

shortstrandsomme18.jpg Steel barriers sealed off the nationalist Short Strand last Monday to facilitate the passage of a sectarian parade by the anti-Catholic Orange Order, infuriating local residents but without causing any of the violence seen in previous years.

Published July 7, 2018

Clashes in Derry as flags intimidation escalates

confederateflags18.jpg There was some trouble in Derry last weekend amid tension in the city ahead of major sectarian marches to be held on Thursday by the Orange Order.

Published July 7, 2018

McGurk’s Bar families have inquest denied

mcgurksbanner2.jpg Calls for a fresh inquest into the McGurks Bar Bombing in Belfast have been rejected by the Six County Attorney General.

Published July 7, 2018

British Brexit spin questioned

mayspin.jpg Sinn Fein has cast doubt on claims that a newly agreed British cabinet positon on Brexit could prevent a hardening of the border and a diminution of the rights of the citizens in the north of Ireland.

Published July 7, 2018

Death of Sean Scott

seanscott.jpg Republicans have mourned the passing of veteran IRA figure Sean Scott, of Ballyforan, near Ballinasloe in County Galway, whose funeral took place on Wednesday.

Published July 7, 2018


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