[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Loyalists escalate race violence

racistarson.jpg There has been a new spate of racist attacks across Belfast, with the Polish community being particularly targeted by loyalists.

Published April 18, 2015

Adams shifts stance on ‘border poll’

adamsroslea.jpg Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams made a call for a “referendum on Irish unity” on Easter Sunday as he spoke at a 1916 commemoration in Roslea, County Fermanagh. He did not specify if the referendum should be a national one or the ‘border poll’ within the Six Counties, as Sinn Fein has previously argued for.

Published April 11, 2015

‘Ireland’s Alamo’ saved

1916painting.jpg There has been a broad welcome for news that the site of the last stand of the 1916 rebels during the Easter Rising is to be bought by the 26 County State for 4 million euro.

Published April 4, 2015

Water protests continue amid corruption questions

right2watermarch.jpg Just under 90,000 people marched in Dublin on Saturday in the latest anti-austerity protest against the 26 County government’s new water charges as a scandal over the operation of Irish Water, the new national water board, has expanded.

Published March 28, 2015

Washington takes a back seat

adamshillaryclinton.jpg Political activity in the north of Ireland was unexpectedly set back this week when the US State Department cancelled a meeting with Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams in Washington DC.

Published March 21, 2015

Hope abides for ‘crucified’ Stormont

stormontstrikemar13.jpg Almost a hundred thousand people took the streets in the North’s biggest protest against austerity cuts on Friday as Sinn Fein battled accusations that it has let down working class voters and the poor in the negotiation of the Stormont House Agreement.

Published March 14, 2015

‘Taoiseach or bust’

sfaf2015.jpg Sinn Fein has categorically ruled out joining a coalition government in Dublin as junior partner after elections due early next year. The party is holding its Ard Fheis (annual conference) in Derry this weekend.

Published March 7, 2015

‘Criminals’ and ‘touts’ in south Armagh

frankmccabejr.jpg Sinn Fein has warned that a lack of confidence in the PSNI police is encouraging illegal activity in border areas.

Published February 28, 2015

Kincora victim’s first step

garyhoy.jpg An abuse victim is hopeful after winning the first stage in a battle to have a Westminster parliamentary inquiry look into allegations that senior unionist politicians, businessmen and high-level British state agents connived in a paedophile ring at the notorious Kincora care home in Belfast.

Published February 21, 2015

Attack on democracy

gardaarrest.jpg A number of children have been arrested in Dublin after being caught up in a shocking crackdown by the 26 County state against anti-austerity protests in the capital.

Published February 14, 2015

Prison a ‘pressure cooker’

maghaberryprotestfeb.jpg A republican political prisoner was badly beaten by warders at Maghaberry jail last week following confrontations over new changes to the prison regime.

Published February 7, 2015

Turmoil in north Belfast

meehanfennell.jpg In a night of drama for north Belfast, Martin Og Meehan, a prominent republican spokesperson in the area, has been dramatically expelled by two organisations for allegedly ‘collaborating with loyalists’.

Published January 31, 2015

Britain’s chopper propaganda

choppercrossmaglen.jpg A newly-released British military file has finally admitted that a British Army helicopter, said to have crashed in a 1978 air accident, came down trying to avoid IRA gunfire.

Published January 24, 2015

Billions written off

michaelnoonangrumpy.jpg The coalition government has indicated it has abandoned efforts to recover 30 billion euro pumped into Ireland’s banking system following its collapse in 2008.

Published January 17, 2015

A state of denial

emigrant.jpg The Dublin government issued a number of statements to claim the successes of its economic policy this week, even as thousands of recent emigrants bade tearful farewell to their loved ones following a Christmas break in Ireland.

Published January 10, 2015

FitzGerald fuelled Thatcher’s intransigence

fitzgeraldthatcher2.jpg Declassified papers have revealed Margaret Thatcher’s infamous “out, out, out” speech on nationalist aspirations in Ireland may have been motivated by a summit in which the Dublin government admitted it was working towards a “lowering of expectations” rather than Irish reunification.

Published January 3, 2015

Talks to go on

sfstormont.jpg The North’s five main parties have asked British prime minister David Cameron for 2 billion pounds (€2.55 billion or $3.15 billion) financial package over ten years as talks continue on issues such as parades, flags and the past.

Published December 20, 2014

Cameron storms out

cameronstormont.jpg The shambolic nature of the talks process at Stormont was exposed this week when British Prime Minister David Cameron suddenly abandoned the negotiations with no plans to return.

Published December 13, 2014

Beyond death’s door

jonathoncorrie.jpg The death of Kilkenny native Jonathan Corrie, a 43-year-old who had suffered mental ill-health and addiction problems, on a freezing night within feet of the seat of power, has shocked the public may have killed off the Dublin government’s chances of re-election.

Published December 6, 2014

Election campaign ‘underway’

adamskenny3.jpg Fine Gael has drawn the opening lines of attack for the next election, targeting Sinn Fein on economic policy and setting the scene for a new left/right alignment in Irish politics.

Published November 29, 2014


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