Republican News ยท Thursday 27 January 2000

[An Phoblacht]

RUC endangers lives

Dr Dara O'Hagan, Sinn Fein Assembly member for Upper Bann, has accused the RUC of, ``wilfully endangering nationalists' lives'' by refusing to tell over 40 people that their files had been found in the hands of loyalists eight weeks ago.

The files were discovered after the arrest of Lurgan loyalist Keith Girvan in early December 1999. Girvan was charged with being in possession of documents which would be useful to loyalists.

On 9 December, O'Hagan contacted NIO Security Minister Adam Ingram's office and was assured that a full investigation would take place.

O'Hagan made further contact with Ingram's office but was told that Ingram's office was ``still looking into the incident''.

However it has emerged that since last week, according to O'Hagan, ``the RUC have visited at least 40 nationalists in the Lurgan and Portadown areas to inform them that their details are in the hands of loyalist death squads. The RUC say they are unable to tell these people which loyalist group is involved. They also refused to say from which branch of the ``security services'' these files emanated''.

Phoblacht has also been told that at least three people from Armagh City and one from Newry have been notified by the RUC that their names are on the loyalist death list.

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