Republican News ยท Thursday 27 January 2000

[An Phoblacht]

Waterside first for Bloody Sunday

For the first time ever, an event to commemorate the Bloody Sunday massacre will take place in Derry's Waterside.

On Thursday, 27 January, a discussion titled, ``Bloody Sunday: Why it matters'' will take place in the Workhouse Museum on the Glendermott Road. The aim is to look at Bloody Sunday from a unionist perspective.

Speaking on behalf of the organisers, Colm Barton explained that Bloody Sunday should not be seen as a solely nationalist event but rather an event for all those interested in human rights.

``For far too many years Bloody Sunday has been seen as a nationalist issue,'' he said. ``As a result there exists, or has existed to an extent, the belief or perception within the unionist community that events on the day and the subsequent impact of those events are of no significance or importance to that community.

``This has caused a great deal of hurt and anger to those most affected by Bloody Sunday and presents a major obstacle to the examination of Bloody Sunday both as an historical event and as a human rights issue.''

Meanwhile, Monday 24 January saw the launch of the Bloody Sunday Black Ribbon campaign, which signals the beginning of a weeklong series of events to commemorate Bloody Sunday.

Speaking at the launch, Robin Percival said: ``It is particularly important we should remember those who died at this time because over the last year there have been attempts to create so called `real victims' and others who are not really victims.

``What we are saying with the Black Ribbon is that all those who lost loved ones, regardless of the circumstances, have the right to be treated with dignity.

``If we are ever to move forward we must always remember that no one has a monopoly on suffering''.

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