Republican News · Thursday 19 August 1999

[An Phoblacht]

DPP ruling needs public explanation

A LEADING human rights organisation, Human Rights Watch, has called on the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in the Six Counties to make public the reasons behind the decision not to prosecute the RUC officers responsible for the brutal beating of Davy Adams.

In February 1998, the High Court in Belfast awarded Adams £30,000 in exemplary damages against the RUC - its highest award ever - for serious injuries he received as a result of severe beatings by RUC officers after he was arrested in February 1994.

Julia Hall, counsel in the Europe and Central Asia Division of Human Rights Watch, said last week:

``Unlike many cases of police abuse that are settled out of court, there is a detailed public record of egregious police conduct in the Adams case.

``Despite the court's findings that RUC officers inflicted severe injuries on David Adams - and lied about it under oath - these officers now enjoy impunity for what amounts to torture.''

In a letter to the DPP, the group asks for the report compiled by Strathclyde Chief Constable James Orr to be made public. The letter says: ``Silence on the part of the DPP will only serve to further undermine confidence in the criminal justice system.''


RUC implicated in Belfast death threats

DEATH THREATS accompanied by 9mm bullets that were sent to four men in the Lower Ormeau/Markets area of Belfast and one family from the New Lodge last week were sent by members of the RUC, according to local Sinn Féin Councillor Seán Hayes.

Councillor Hayes told An Phoblacht that the brand new bullets of the same type as those used by the RUC. He added that, previously, a UDR soldier and a `Greenfinch' (UDR woman soldier) had been convicted of colluding in the attempted murder of one of the Markets men. He said that the targeting of another Markets man could only have been based on recent RUC information.

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