LVF ready to return to murder
In a statement to the Toronto Star newspaper, the Loyalist
Vounteer Force has declared that ``it is ready to return to
violence'', despite their claims of being on ceasefire.
The gang, characterised by their indiscriminate slaughter of
innocent Catholics, pleaded with ``the Ulster people of Canada to
realise the truth of the struggle Protestants now face in
Ulster...Remember your ancestors, people who travelled from Ulster
to Canada and who overcame the odds to create the country you
live in today. This determination still exists in Ulster at this
time. Support us in our fight for survival.''
In relation to the Good Friday document, the group said it ``will
have a devastating effect on the history and culture of the
Protestant people, and the LVF will resist this to the end''. They
continued, ``This is part of the overall British government
strategy to remove once and for all Northern Ireland from the
Union. We state once again we will resist this conspiracy by
force if necessary.''
Though they may complain of the British Government and
republicanism, the likely victims of their depravity will be
unsuspecting Catholics.