Republican News · Thursday 18 June 1998

[An Phoblacht]

Connolly remembered in Edinburgh

On the 30 May nearly 1000 people, complete with Disband the RUC placards, attended the annual James Connolly commemoration in Edinburgh.

Following a march, which passed Connolly's birthplace in the city`s Cowgate, there was a short rally in the Meadows ,where Connolly himself addressed so many political meetings.

Jim Slaven of the James Connolly Society welcomed the large crowd which included people from Luxembourg, the Basque Country as well as Ireland, England and all over Scotland.

Louise Beck of Sinn Fein Youth then read out messages of support from Tony Benn MP, Ken Livingston MP and from Herri Batasuna`s imprisoned National Executive.

The main Speaker was Derry SF Councillor Peter Anderson who told the crowd, ``The vote for the Good Friday Agreement was a declaration that the status quo had failed and that fundamental political and constitutional change was required.'' He urged David Trimble, who was addressing an Orange Walk less than 20 miles away, to ``concentrate on building relationships with the rest of us who are doing our utmost to reach an accommodation which will bring an end to conflict in the North of Ireland forever.''

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