Republican News · Thursday 20 February 1997

[An Phoblacht]

Chance of 8 MPs

The upcoming Westminster election offers an opportunity for nationalists to transform the political landscape in the Six Counties, said Sinn Féin Chairperson Mitchel McLaughlin. Up to eight nationalist MPs could be elected if there were agreed nationalist candidates.

``This would send a timely message to the unionist leaderships after their disgraceful antics at Drumcree last summer. It would send a clear message to the next British government. It would greatly enhance the demand for an inclusive, credible and effective peace process,'' McLaughlin said.

A nationalist voting pact would be very popular among ordinary nationalists. There is evidence of a strong body of nationalist opinion in support of an electoral pact between the SDLP and Sinn Féin. This would help produce a group of MPs committed to achieving a lasting peace in Ireland and weaken the power of Unionists who have obstructed the path to peace at every turn.

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