RSF leaders detained as oppression continues
RSF leaders detained as oppression continues


British Crown Forces continue to engage in violent house raids, oppressive stop-and-search detentions and sinister surveillance efforts in a bid to defeat republican activism.

In a statement on August 29 a spokesperson for Republican Sinn Fein said masked and armed members of the PSNI had carried out a stop-and-search procedure at a filling station in Lurgan against members of the party’s Ard Chomhairle (National Executive).

“The continued support for British constitutional politics in the Occupied Six Counties is giving the British colonial police a free hand in maintaining the same old, anti-Republican actions,” they said.

In the last year, almost 23 thousands people have been similarly detained without arrest in the Six Counties, the vast majority members of the nationalist/republican community.

They added: “What happened to the promise to ‘put manners’ on the rogue British Crown Forces? Not to mention the (Sinn Féin) claim that support for policing was part of ‘getting the Brits out of Ireland’”.

Meanwhile, Saoradh has confirmed that seven members of the party and the Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association (IRPWA) in Belfast have had their homes raided recently

One Saoradh member said that her home has been ransacked for over six hours, and when she finally was able to return, she found a number of art pieces intended to be raffled off to raise money for the dependents of current republican prisoners had been wrecked.

“Whilst this will come as no surprise to many it must be highlighted as it proves just how petty the state’s militia will be in attempts to further frustrate members of Saoradh and the IRPWA, not content enough while already raiding their homes,”: Saoradh said.

“Also, it must be pointed out that this is the very same militia that we are told must be accepted and endorsed to ‘move forward’. The same militia that was to have ‘manners put on them’.”

They also reported coercive messages, apparently emanating from the Crown Forces, seeking to collect information on republicans and their families.

They have accused the PSNI of acting under the direction of MI5 to attempt to disrupt the daily lives of Saoradh and IRPWA members in Belfast.

“The activists affected by these raids in recent weeks are steadfast, resolute Republicans and no amount of petty and vindictive raids will deter them from working within our communities.”

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