Prison administration ‘hell bent on conflict’
Prison administration ‘hell bent on conflict’


A republican prisoner was assaulted by a prison riot squad at Maghaberry jail after being forced to spend three days in solitary confinement last week.

Sean Farrell was sent to the punishment cell by the authorities at Maghaberry after an inconclusive body scan by a “bigoted” warder, according to the Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association.

After three days ‘on the boards’, Mr Farrell was then subjected to a “brutal” forced strip search by the riot squad in which he suffered a shoulder and neck injury.

In a statement, his fellow prisoners on the republican wings of Roe House said the Maghaberry administration had made the decision for a “brutal and degrading” strip search prior to his return to the landing instead of re-scanning him because “it would never have proved the false accusation that Sean had an item internally concealed”.

“Instead this proves that the administration of Maghaberry Gaol are more determined than ever to victimise, harass and create conflict with Republican Prisoners,” they said.

“History will show that Republican Prisoners will meet such aggression head on, and will never cower to the bigoted bullies in Maghaberry riot squad, nor will those who have always had our back.”

The prisoners also warned that those operating the body scanners have not been trained to do so.

“They are Maghaberry screws who have a vendetta against Republican Prisoners and use this technology as a medium to harass and place us in solitary confinement.

“This issue was highlighted recently when Republican Prisoners collectively protested when the same scenario arose after a Republican Prisoner attended a hospital appointment.

“This culminated in several days of protest action where we refused to lock up until our comrade was returned after several days.

“No lessons have been learnt from the bigoted administration in Maghaberry and once again we find ourselves in a position where we as a collective are being victimised.

“To harass one Republican Prisoner is to harass all Republican Prisoners.

“Representatives on the landing have eagerly tried to engage with the administration to get the issue resolved but have been blanked, leading us to the inevitable conclusion that the Maghaberry administration are yet again hell bent on creating more conflict.”

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