Now it’s time for the truth
Now it’s time for the truth


By John Finucane MP

The decision from the British Secretary of State Hilary Benn to announce a public inquiry into the murder of my father, Pat Finucane, was a pivotal moment and one which my family have campaigned for over three decades to achieve.

On February 12 1989, my father was murdered by loyalist paramilitaries as we sat together at the dinner table in the kitchen of our home in Belfast. I was eight years old.

I sat with my mother, my sister and brother and suddenly ended up squeezed into a corner, as the gunmen fired shot after shot into the prone figure of my father. He was 39 years old when he was killed.

My family’s sole objective in our 35-year long campaign has been the truth. And it is just that which has kept us going, pushing against extraordinary adversity, and the full force of the British state.

We did not believe that his murder was simply the work of the gunmen who killed him. We had no confidence that police investigations would ever bring those truly responsible to justice.

We were not satisfied with private, limited reviews from which we were excluded. We could not and did not accept the assurances of previous British governments that they were anxious to set the record straight, because they were never prepared to do so in public.

It has been my mother and my wider family’s firm belief that only an independent statutory public inquiry would reveal the full extent of my father’s murder, and the events preceding it.

Since 2001, my family have been given commitment after commitment only to be given the next excuse for delay by successive British governments. That we now have a commitment from the new British government to hold a public inquiry is a significant milestone, and one which can now deliver truth and justice.

I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who has stood with us on this long, hard road.

Indeed, we would never have succeeded without the assistance, support and encouragement of so many people over the years.

So many people across the world were willing to give generously of their time and talent again and again. I want to record my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to each and every one of them. We would not be here today without them.

I hope this inquiry marks a watershed moment in relation to legacy on our island. If a public inquiry into the murder of my father can finally publicly examine all of the collusion that plagued our society for so many years, then there is hope that the real process of healing can begin.

Everyone on our island who has been affected by horrific past events are entitled to full truth and justice.

After countless inquiries and commitments, I believe my family deserves this after so many years. My father deserves this after so many years. And wider society deserves this after so, so many years.

We will now work closely with the British government to ensure this inquiry is awarded the correct tools and resources to effectively investigate the truth.

I want to save my last words for my mother. She has led our campaign with energy, resolve and determination to establish the full extent of what happened to her husband, and me and my siblings’ father.

It has been her strength and courage which has taken us this far.

It is now my sincere hope that we can at last uncover the full truth of what happened to my father, Pat Finucane.

Now is the time for truth.

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