The courage and loyalty of Kevin Lynch
The courage and loyalty of Kevin Lynch



An extract from a speech delivered at the Kevin Lynch commemoration last weekend in Dungiven by former PoW Frankie Quinn of the 1916 Societies.


The motto of the Kevin Lynch club here in Dungiven is “Misneach is dílseach”. This, comrades, means ‘courage and loyalty’, which this soldier of the Republic had in abundance.

Of course, these words depict both the life and death of Óglach Kevin Lynch. We understand the great loss to Kevin’s family when Kevin was let die by that inhuman, despicable individual, Thatcher, aided and abetted by her minions in Ireland.

But comrades, they didn’t defeat Kevin Lynch or any of our fallen soldiers, or the Irish struggle for that 32-county socialist Republic.

The example these brave men gave to struggle all across the world was, and is, inspiring and will live forever; longer than the rotten British Empire and their collaborators here on Irish soil.

Look around you here today - people still care, and people still honour the sacrifices these young men and women made for our Republic.

Comrades, we have a job to do for these soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice, and that, comrades, is to finish that chapter in Irish history and achieve our Republic. Tactics are different but struggle continues.

We still haven’t got our Republic. In fact, we have British lackies rallying around their royal masters asking for the crumbs from the imperialists’ table.

We have others masquerading as Republicans, disrespecting our flag, our fallen comrades with their right wing bile. This is all organised and financed by MI5 and its cohorts. These people are not Republican, they do not represent the Republican Movement. Tommy Robinson, Combat 18, ex British Soldiers, this is what is leading these idiots, do people really want to be represented by these British spies who despise everything Irish?

These are British Loyalists, their agenda is to divide and destroy us. The establishment, Drew Harris and his team of informers and criminals. Well I have news for you quislings, right wing idiots, you will not dishonour the name of our fallen comrades and we will achieve our Republic (despite the fascist attempts to undermine it).

We must have faith in the Irish, so comrades join us, in whatever capacity suits you and help us to achieve the Ireland to which Kevin and his comrades give their lives – not an agreed Ireland, not a commonwealth, not in his name, not in my name, not in the name of the Republican Movement and not in the name of Ireland patriot dead.

We comrades must take a leaf from Kevin’s book and stand firm against that betrayal and our message to the British and the lackeys is ‘Ireland is not for sale’.

Ireland will be free, Ireland will have a 32 County Socialist Republic! From the River to the Sea, from the Plough to the Stars, Ireland and Palestine will be free. Until Victory.

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