Ireland facilitating Israeli warplanes - reports
Ireland facilitating Israeli warplanes - reports


Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has called on Taoiseach Simon Harris to provide full answers to reports that aircraft carrying weaponry from the United States to Israel have flown through Irish airspace.

Reports by the ‘The Ditch’ website have revealed that Israeli-operated aircraft carrying supplies of weaponry from the United States have flown through Irish airspace.

It said that cargo flights bound for Israel flew over Irish sovereign airspace several times this year carrying munitions for Israeli forces.

Some of the weapons were likely used in the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and may also have been in the attacks in Lebanon, including near UN peacekeeping positions where 26 County Irish Army soldiers are currently serving.

In a statement this week, Mary Lou McDonald said the situation is “unacceptable” and is a “conscious and grave breach of Ireland’s neutrality”.

Ms McDonald said: “Israel is waging a genocidal war on the people of Gaza. The idea that Israel would brazenly violate Irish airspace to transport weaponry and munitions used to commit these atrocities is unacceptable.”

She said the Taoiseach Simon Harris “must urgently provide full answers. He must also outline what actions he will take in response to any violation of Ireland’s airpace by Israel,” she said.

The 26 County Department of Transport said that it is “engaging” with the airline carrier involved.

A spokesperson for the Department admitted the carrying of weapons of war is prohibited on civil aircraft in Irish sovereign airspace unless an exemption is granted by the Minister for transport.

The spokesperson said “no applications have been received or exemptions granted for the carriage of munitions of war on civil aircraft operating through Irish sovereign airspace to/from Israel” either last year or so far this year.

People Before Profit TD Bríd Smith said it was “outrageous” that there had been no contact with the Dublin government.

Taoiseach Simon Harris said only that it was “very important that the facts are established”, and once the facts are established, the Ministers for Transport and Defence will provide a further update.

Demonstrations continue to take place around Ireland demanding action to help end the conflict, and for Ireland to use its influence with the White House to end its supply of bombs to Israel.

Last weekend, large red banners were stretched out around Dame Street in Dunlin to symbolise US president Joe Biden’s “non-existent red line” in relation to Rafah in southern Gaza, where thousands of Palestinians have been seeking refuge.

The Irish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign and Mothers Against Genocide organised the protest. Campaigner and former RTÉ producer Betty Purcell, who addressed the crowd, later said that Ireland could do more through boycotts and sanctions.

She said: “We have a Taoiseach who said he spends every single day wondering what more he can do for Palestine. It’s very simple, he can start by passing the Occupied Territories Bill, the arms embargo Bill, the Israeli divestment settlements Bill.

“If he was to do this, it would be a clear message both to the US and to Europe that Ireland really wants to do something. Not just stand around looking anguished. We’ve done that long enough. It will influence America.”

In Derry, Palestinian photojournalist Motaz Azaiza, who visited the city at the weekend, delivered a harrowing account of the ongoing situation in Gaza to a rally there.

Motaz Azaiza, nominated for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize this week, was speaking to upwards of 1,000 people at Free Derry Corner.

Mr Azaiza thanked artists who had painted his portrait on the famous wall, and the crowd for its “love and solidarity”.

“I am here as a messenger from my people to tell you that we need your support and help because what is happening to us is a genocide,” he said.

“I saw a dog here earlier, this cute dog, but the dogs in Gaza are eating our bodies.

“I am here to deliver the message of my people, the people who don’t have a voice. I never chose to be in this place, but I never had a choice as a Palestinian, we don’t have a choice.

“I am sharing the voice of the people in Gaza. They see you through my channels and my story. We are struggling under genocide since 1948. This didn’t start yesterday or 10 months ago.”

Mr Azaiza concluded by asking the crowd to “keep doing what you are doing”.

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