Westminster election statements
Westminster election statements



Election statements issued by the leaderships of Sinn Féin and Aontú for the 2024 Westminster General Election.


Statement by Sinn Féin vice-president Michelle O’Neill

The upcoming Westminster election is your chance to vote for strong leadership.

It is an opportunity to endorse Sinn Féin’s vision for positive change and our commitment to work for all.

To make life better for workers, families, and all our communities. To work together in our political institutions. To create the hope and opportunity that everyone deserves.

This election is an opportunity to vote for decisions about our future to be made here.

To make our own choices, working in partnership together.

No matter what background or community people come from, Sinn Féin MPs will work hard and deliver on the things that matter to workers, families and businesses.

And there are so many priorities that we share.

A health system that is fit for purpose - cutting lengthy waiting lists and better access to GP services in our communities.

A strong education system to deliver the best opportunities for our your people so they can reach their full potential in life and build their lives here at home, and greater support for children with special educational needs.

The development of our local communities, rural and urban with first-class facilities and services.

Increasing the number of social and affordable homes being built in every single community across the north.

To make childcare more affordable and accessible for parents and families, and to increase the number of places available for children with additional needs.

Continuing to build a modern and prosperous society that showcases the best of our innovation and talent that already has our island on the map as world leaders in so many industries.

Strengthening our local economy, promoting regional balance, supporting our local businesses and tackling the rising cost of living and rip-off insurance costs that are burdening so many people right now.

When we work together, we can achieve so much more.

In this election you can send a clear message to support strong leadership, positive change and Sinn Féin’s commitment to work for all.

To reject Tory cuts which have punished workers and families for years and support proper funding for our public services.

Change will only be delivered in the north by all of us working together in the executive and assembly.

On day one after the Westminster election, Sinn Féin MPs will be working hard as part of a strong all-Ireland Sinn Féin team made up of MLAs, TDs, MEPs, and hundreds of local councillors the length and breadth of the country to deliver for all our people and communities.

Every day, Sinn Féin representatives are providing strong leadership and delivering positive change for communities across Ireland and working hard on the ground for the communities and people we represent.

Sinn Féin is on the side of workers and families, working nationally and delivering locally.

We are leading the way to build a stronger, better and fairer country.

This election is about the future you want for you and your children.

Sinn Féin’s priority is to make politics work for all our people because real change is about making people’s everyday lives better.

I am asking voters to join us in this journey towards a better future.

To endorse our vision, to move forward together, and to work together in the best interests of everyone.

Let’s seize the opportunity to return the strongest Sinn Féin team and keep moving forward to a new and better future.

We are standing a fantastic team of candidates who will work hard for everyone in their communities, and who can help us deliver on that hope and bring about that positive change for all.

On Thursday July 4, I am asking you to put an X beside your local Sinn Féin candidate.

Statement by Aontú Deputy Leader, Gemma Brolly

This election offers our communities the chance to send a message to London and to Belfast that the current cycle of austerity, cuts and mismanagement of our key public services will not be tolerated, no matter from where they originate.

We’ve had promises from parties that they would invest £1 billion into our ailing health service, yet at the first opportunity, they did the complete opposite and cut our services.

They told us they urgently wanted to get back to work, yet the Assembly has passed only two pieces of legislation – but were able to award themselves a pay rise after only eight weeks back work.

We are now witnessing the continuation of a policy from Executive parties that mismanages our money and our services, and simply blames London when it comes to light.

Aontú is proud of its roots of accountability, integrity and community service. We will have no truck with political spin. We will work on the ground to campaign for better services such as in the SOS Causeway and SOS Daisy Hill Hospital campaigns. We will continue to stand up for the most vulnerable in our society, starting with the unborn. We will never stop in our demand for justice, regarding the Bill of Shame, regarding Fiona and Noah Donohoe, regarding anyone who is suffering at the hands of the state.

Building capacity in our communities that will call out the truth about failure wherever it originates without fear or favour, establishing accountability at the heart of our public services and those who are elected to serve and spearheading a renewal of our collective community spirit are at the heart of what we offer.

On July 4, vote Aontú X

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