Warnings as coalition pushes military alliance with NATO
Warnings as coalition pushes military alliance with NATO


The Dublin government is set to approve a proposal which would see Ireland join an EU military initiative to combat “sabotage, terrorism and espionage” in regard to marine assets and infrastructure.

The EU project is part of the ‘PESCO’ framework where EU member states cooperate to improve the capabilities of their armed forces.

It is understood it will require the approval of the Dublin parliament to override Ireland’s long-standing policy of neutrality.

The move would see Ireland joining other EU countries to develop its surveillance operations and reconnaissance as a first step in engaging in military operations at sea.

Outgoing EU MEP Clare Daly said there’s no place for a neutral country in what is being branded as EU “common defence”.

She said the EU is “turbo charging” defence efforts and Ireland is being “drawn in”. She warned the policy represents a massive threat to Irish security as well as an attack on Irish neutrality, which she said is “needed more than ever” as Europe “gears for war”.

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Defence, Matt Carthy TD, has also warned against the Taoiseach’s stated intention of jettisoning Ireland’s neutrality is “reckless in the extreme and will undermine Ireland’s ability to play a constructive role in the world”.

Mr Carthy added that the government has no mandate to proceed, and rather than undermining Irish neutrality, the Taoiseach “should prioritise the rebuilding of the Defence Forces following years of decline under Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael governments”.

“Irish neutrality, and having an independent foreign policy, is a strength,” he said.

“It is valued and supported by the Irish people.

“On the international stage, neutrality has underpinned our contribution to peacekeeping and diplomacy. It has never been a weakness.”

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland said the message “must be very clear” that the Irish people want nothing to do with an EU Army.

“PESCO and an EU Army are NATO by the back door, serving the interests of Imperialism and designed to continue the exploitation of Ireland by European, British and North American Imperialism,” they said.

Lasair Dhearg has also hit out at a recent agreement between the Dublin government and NATO under the ‘Individual Tailored Partnership Programme (ITPP)’.

It challenged the claims on Ireland’s state-run broadcaster, RTE, that Ireland is a ‘weak link’ for NATO due to the undersea cables passing through its territorial waters.

“RTÉ consistently features spokespersons with NATO affiliations to interpret conflicts, reflecting the pervasive acceptance and promotion of US-led imperialism,” they said.

“When pundits, ‘independent’ TDs, or government officials advocate for a ‘grown-up’ discussion on neutrality, one must question whose interests they serve.

“Is it in the Free State’s interest to invest billions in weapons from European, British, and US arms companies? Is participating in America’s wars to defend its hegemony beneficial to the Free State’s citizens? No! Those who perpetuate attacks on Free State neutrality serve imperialist agendas, not the interests of the Free State’s people.

“It is crucial to expose them as agents of imperialist domination rather than defenders of Free State sovereignty.”

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