Fresh extradition bids as human rights ignored
Fresh extradition bids as human rights ignored


Three more Irish republicans have been arrested and dragged before extradition courts in a process which has raised question marks over the 26 County state’s attitude to the European Convention on Human Rights.

Anti Imperialist Action Ireland has condemned the arrest and dragging before an extradition court this week of Cavan republican Jim Donegan. Mr Donegan, aged 66, who is due to undergo heart surgery next week, is accused of involvement in a Provisional IRA operation in 1979 in Armagh during which a British soldier was killed.

He was arrested at Navan Garda station on foot of a warrant linked to the post-Brexit ‘Trade and Cooperation Agreement’, and issued by the PSNI police in the north.

The High Court heard on Monday that James Donegan, who had agreed to meet gardaí at Dublin Airport as he returned home from his holidays, told arresting officers: “I’m an innocent man.”

“No Irish Republican should be transferred into British Custody where it is well known that current Republican POWs held in British Gaols in Ireland are subjected to inhumane treatment and torture including forces strip searching,” said Anti Imperialist Action Ireland.

The AIA also condemned the Dublin government for its renewal once again of its draconian ‘emergency’ powers and the use of juryless Special Courts, features of the 26 County justice system used to oppress Irish republicans and which have long drawn international condemnation by human rights groups.

Mr Donegan’s arrest is the third such arrest this month.

An attempt was launched earlier this month to extradite 73-year-old Seamus O’Kane, originally from County Derry, and now living in Meath. as well as 72-year-old John McNicholl, who was arrested in Donegal.

They are accused of involvement in an 1975 INLA attack in which an RUC man was killed. They were arrested in the early hours of Wednesday, June 12, and brought before the High Court on the basis of an arrest warrant issued in Belfast.

Mr O’Kane escaped from Long Kesh Prison in 1976 and his extradition was previously sought by Britain, but it was refused by the Supreme Court at that time due to the political nature of the offences.

The arrests were also made under the Trade and Co-operation Agreement. Both men were released on bail pending an extradition hearing, which is due to be held on 2 and 3 July.


This month also saw another stage in efforts to extradite Cork republican and Saoradh member Sean Walsh. Mr Walsh has been held in Portlaoise jail for almost three years pending the outcome of the proceedings against him, which have now been forwarded to the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

At the ECJ, submissions have been made which focused on the mutual trust and confidence between EU Members and third countries where there are risks to the individual’s human rights.

If extradited, Mr Walsh would be immediately taken to Maghaberry jail, where he would face force strip searches, controlled movement, as well as the possibility of prolonged periods of isolation.

He is also set to appear before a non-jury Diplock court, a further denial of his rights under the European Convention on Human Rights.

Saoradh has blasted the 26 County judiciary for failing to uphold the ECHR to which the 26 County administration is a signatory.

“Seán Walsh should not be extradited. Seán should be free, in his own country no less, to live his life free from the threat of being handed over to an MI5 directed regime in Maghaberry,” they said.

“He should be free to live his life free from the prospect of being handed over to Britain to face one of their single judge, non-jury courts.

“He should be free from the prospect of an indeterminate sentence that is dependent on British-appointed “parole commissioners” that make decisions based on secret evidence that his legal team is not allowed to view.

“Seán should be free, in his own country, to his family life free from an omnipresent threat directed by faceless cowards that lurk in the shadows and play their dangerous games of entrapment and coercion to restrict political activists from outside their jurisdiction and sphere of influence.

“This extradition case against Seán Walsh should be thrown out by the 26 County statelet and continuing refusals to do so only indicate the subservient nature of its operation with regard to Britain.”

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