Disinformation follows Derry protest
Disinformation follows Derry protest


Socialist Republicans in Derry, including members of activist group Lasair Dhearg, scaled a crane in the city last weekend to highlight the plight of Palestine and show their support.

A massive Palestinian flag was hung from the crane, with flares used to draw attention across the night sky.

However, three men were seized by the PSNI following what they said was a “disturbance” in the city and claimed a firework had been thrown, injuring a firefighter who had attended the scene.

Lasair Dhearg issued a statement on behalf of the three Pro-Palestinian activists arrested, accusing the media of falsely implicating them in the injury of a firefighter.

“It is no secret that when the PSNI conduct operations in Derry and young people are in the vicinity, projectiles and other objects are thrown in their direction. Unfortunately In this instance a member of the fire crew on scene was struck by a stray firework. We wish to put on record that none of our activists were in possession of any fireworks and were totally unaware of this incident until we reached the ground.”

They also hit out at the mainstream media for “failing miserably in addressing the gravity of the underlying issue — an ongoing genocide”. They said that the people of Derry were standing with the people of Palestine.

“Our intention was to engage in an act of solidarity with the plight of the Palestinian people at this time, it was to shed light on the brutal occupation of Palestine and to show the world that Derry stands firmly with those being slaughtered by western imperialism.

“Our sincere intent was never to put anyone in a position to be harmed, especially a valued member of the fire service and we want to take this opportunity to wish the injured party a speedy recovery.”

They hit out at “irresponsible journalism” which was “perpetuating misinformation” instead of shedding light on the human rights crisis in Palestine.

“The war that is being played out in the world at this time is an information war as much as it is a physical one and the world’s leading media outlets have continuously reported lies that have ultimately led to the justification of death and destruction. We urge those in this field locally to think critically about the words that they print.

“Be reminded that false headlines not only betray the public’s trust but actively places you on the side of those who perpetuate violence that oppresses people around the world.”

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