Christmas raids on homes of republican activists
Christmas raids on homes of republican activists


Saoradh has accused the Gardaí police in the 26 Counties of “heavy handed, stage managed and deliberately provocative” raids on the homes of party members over the last couple of days.

They warned that republicans who had been involved in a “very successful” day of activism by members of Saoradh and its prisoner support group in Dublin at the weekend were “facing the full force of the establishment”.

They blamed the “repressive 26 County neo-colony and their MI5-led mercenaries” acting against those “who stand up against their rotten regime” ahead of the festive season.

“As would be expected by the timing of these raids many of the homes had their Christmas preparations destroyed or damaged,” they said.

“Footage and photos capture some of the damage done and needless violence used. In one clip a grandmother pleads with the raiding party not to smash the front door as she had a key but her plea was in vain.

“All of the raids included the Free State lackies terrifying elderly relatives or young children and the pointing of rifles at their faces. One Detective claimed that nobody will have a peaceful Christmas until they get a named Dublin Saoradh member.

“Not for the first time, detectives mentioned about Republican activists highlighting this type of repression on social media, as if justifying more repression. Obviously behind the armour and weaponry these are sensitive souls who don’t take kindly to being identified by friends and family as terrorising political activists while crime gangs and fascists get kid glove treatment.

“There has always been a slave-minded, collaborating and pro-British element in the Special Branch of the 26 Counties but with an RUC/MI5 man at the helm now these elements have the blessing of Order of the British Empire (OBE) and Queens Police Medal (QPM) man Drew Harris.

“North and south the establishment fear us, they fear the uncompromising fenian message we bring, they fear real patriots that have a vision of a 32 County Socialist Republic that will destroy their cosy cartel.”

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