Republicans notified about ‘state-sponsored attackers’
Republicans notified about ‘state-sponsored attackers’


The targeting of Saoradh members by British agencies continued this week as two Tyrone Republicans received warning messages that they are being spied on.

The two Saoradh members, one of whom is the son of a current republican prisoner, received both an official Apple notification and and email stating that “State-sponsored attackers may be targeting your iPhone”.

The explicit notification and email read: “These attackers are likely targeting you individually because of who you are”.

The Apple system is designed to prevent hackers who attempt to subvert the security measures built into its software, including state agencies operating for their own political or military agenda. The official Apple notification indicates that it has evidence of such an attack.

Saoradh said that “it is no secret that the occupier uses a vast means of surveillance on Republicans, including accessing mobile phones and other electronic devices.”

They referred to Israel spyware ‘Pegasus’, which is designed to be covertly and remotely installed on mobile phones running iOS and Android.

“It is a well known tool used by British Military Intelligence,” they said.

“While it comes as no surprise to Republicans that they are under surveillance, what is surprising is the alerts notifying of the attempted intrusion.”

The use of expensive spy technology may be a sign that traditional attempts to recruit informers are no longer as effective for MI5 as they once were.

Another failed attempt to recruit a Saoradh party member was reported last week. The target was detained under oppressive ‘anti-terror’ legislation and subjected to what was described as “hours of pointless and asinine questioning” - before being approached by two individuals who identified themselves as MI5.

“Needless to say it was quickly made apparent to them that they were wasting their time, our party member left the room and refused to engage with them,” Saoradh said.

The approach to the party member with strong republican family connections was described as an “embarrassing and desperate low”,

“Once again, the Crown Forces have demonstrated that the term ‘British Intelligence’ is an oxymoron, the very fact that they would even for a moment think this party member in particular, would be someone who would be susceptible to such an approach, clearly demonstrates that their intelligence pedigree is based on a myth,” they said.

“This individual, a resolute and staunch Republican their entire life, a family member of a republican prisoner, would be the very last person in the country who would work for these degenerates.”

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